Ask the Tarot: Should I Sleep With My Boss?
This is a recording of our live Greenroom show from December 23, 2021. Follow @askthetarot on the Spotify Greenroom app to catch Michelle Tea live every Thursday at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET.
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Michelle Tea: Hey, everyone, thank you so much for tuning in. But did you know that you can join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on Spotify Green Room. That is right live. All you have to do is download the Spotify Green Room app and sign up for free. Or you can also use your Spotify log in to join. You can click on the link in our Series two or in the episode descriptions. Once you're there and follow, Ask The Tarot and tune in every Wednesday at eight p.m. to hear what the tarot has to say. Hey, I'll even read your questions. Why you don't want to miss that? Download Spotify Green Room for free today and join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday.
Michelle Tea: Hello, everybody, it's Michelle Tea. Welcome to another installment of Ask the Tarot. This is that place where I will read your tarot cards. I will read tarot questions, cards for questions that have been sent to me on Instagram. Just trying to help people. Well, getting I'm not going to lie a slightly voyeuristic thrill out of hearing about their problems. Am I right? Thank you so much for being here. Yet another week last week was wild. I don't know if you guys were around, but we had a special guest like the football player Cam Jordan, and never in my life would I have thought that football and tarot would meet. Nor did I ever think I would be the person to facilitate that. But it happens, you guys. If you were there, you know, so I'm going to stay on the romance tip. I have so many lovelorn hearts sending me emails asking for help, so I want to help them get Apple cards. If you have questions about anything does not need to be romance, throw your hands up and I will do my best to get to you. And hello to everybody who's like piping up in the chat. I love our chat. What else did I want to say? Oh, I'm the host of another podcast called Your Magic. Maybe you'll like it. It's on Spotify. You can search it, and then you'll also find all of the back Ask The Tarot rooms and you can listen to those, too.
Michelle Tea: OK, here is the first question, and I kind of pre hold some cards so that we could just kind of get going. All right. I have a complicated love life. Oh my god, do I love a question that comes to me that begins like that? I'm like, Always just start drooling. I have a complicated love life and have been in several open relationships for over six years. One of my partners and I decided to start dating exclusively in April of 2020 and then later decided to jump the gun and elope since getting married. I haven't been able to stay faithful, and I have wondered if I've made a mistake because I still have feelings for other people. There's a part of me that feels like I rushed into things, but I do come back thinking he's a great guy and I can make it work for the long term. My question for you is, did I make a mistake getting married? And if so, should I end the relationship and pursue what I have with the other partners in my life? I have asked my own tarot. The answer is never clear. When I read for myself, I know how that is. It often often isn't when you really need it to be OK. So wow, I mean, huzzah for trying something different, you know what I mean? Like after being open for six years and then think and then suddenly becoming monogamous? That's that's hard. That sounds very, very hard. And yes, happy season to everybody. This is a sort of a Capricorn question in a way because, you know, Capricorn ruled by Saturn, Saturn, the big, heavy Saturn, the one that saying like, you know, there are limitations here. You can't run around for your whole life with five hundred romantic partners, even though you can't write and you totally can do that if that's what you want. But Saturn and Saturn will be like, that's not my style. So let's see. I put three cards on what is this marriage look like? Because you're like, Did I make a mistake? And I'm like, Well, what's the energy? I got to say the energy is not great around this marriage, and you know, I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know. I mean, the best use for the tarot, I feel like is just having the cards reflect right back at your face what you already know, but you can't you can't commit to.
Michelle Tea: So this in the first card that came up is the five of cups I'm pulling right now from the gorgeous she will tarot. I'll put pictures of it on Instagram later because they're so pretty. I want you to see them five cups emotional disappointment. You're like all the expectations were much too high. That is like the classic line for this. You expected that you would be satisfied in a monogamous relationship and you're not OK. You also have the four of wands. The four of wands is very, you know, it's very aspirational. It's Venus, it's a Venus has a love card, it's Venus and Aries. It is sort of like, OK, I did this. I'm going to, you know, this is the part of you. This is reflecting the part of you that is sort of like, I can do this. I'm going to do this. I want to try something different. But then your last card here is the eight of cups, which is that you know of. And this one in the in the she will stick. It's just like all of these. It's like an infinity of naked women standing in the middle of an infinity of voids. It's so grim. It's just like you're standing in the void and you're so sad and you're like, How? How did I end up in the void? I thought I was just getting married. It looks like even though you are looking to try something a little different and your heart was in the right place, obviously you love this person. It looks like this scenario is not for you. Now I picked the cards that you asked me to pick. I picked. What would it look like for you to end this relationship and go back to your many lovers? And, you know, isn't the way I have a question about that for, isn't it, for stability stagnant while the ones are fire? It feels counterintuitive as a card.
Michelle Tea: How interesting. You mean it feels like how can there be stability within it? Well, it's stable fire. You know what I mean? It's like stable. I mean, if you think about fire being energy, we have to have stable energy, right? We have to be able to burn our energy at the proper rate so we don't fizzle out and we don't kind of burn out in a crazy way. So, you know, the four of wands is talking about being able to achieve that, right? But then right after that comes the five. So you're like, OK, but anyway, I love a little tarot question like that.
Michelle Tea: No, no, no. I love it. OK, so back to what I got here for. What does it look like if you return to your lovers? OK, for the first one is the king of swords. They're thinking, You're the king of swords. I mean, you know, the king of swords. He's he's super like, he's in his head. He's thinking about stuff and, you know, swords are so disliked. Well, ideally they're decisive, right? You want them to be decisive. And in this case, I think the king of Swords is very decisive. So, you know, I think very much like the Queen of Swords, the King of Swords is just like kind of firing people, you know, ending relationships, for sure. But I'm also thinking, you know, I want you to be real. Is there somebody out there in particular, that you're missing? Is there somebody that you really want to be with? Is there a king of swords that you're like? It's not so much that I can't be faithful. It's that I can't get past my feelings for this person, right? So, OK, your second card is balance, which is like the temperance card in this deck. And so, you know, the balance card, it's like it's interesting because it might sound like it's an extreme thing to do to leave a marriage so that you can go back into your, you know, your many lover, you know, polyamorous life. But like, that's the balance that you need, right? You need that balance between commitment and freedom. So it seems like it will bring that to you. And then here's really the icing on the cake. You got a star card, so it's like, Oh my gosh, yeah, I mean, this is your truth to be in it, to be, you know, like a a polyamorous person or solely a solo poly person, whatever you want to call it, it looks like that's really beautiful for you. I did. I did pick cards, you guys. This is so codependent of me. I have to stop doing it. I picked cards for a question you didn't ask and know. We don't even have enough time on the show for me to pick cards for questions that do get asked, So why am I doing this? But often as a reader, I see questions that should be asked and I'm just thinking, you started dating this guy while you were poly. It's not like he's never heard of polyamory. It's not like he doesn't know that, you know, are sort of a polyamorous person. Can you stay with him? Like, Why do you have to end your marriage? I'm guessing, probably because that's what he wants, right? But maybe he wants you more, you know, is there a way? So I picked three cards on what would it look like for you to stay in this marriage? Stay with this person, but also be open?
Michelle Tea: Goody. I see your question. This tarot is not only for relationship questions. You guys can raise your hand and ask whatever you want, but I am reading relationship questions that were sent to me at my Instagram. If you ever want to send Instagram questions to me, do it! I'm at @michelleteaz. And and maybe I'll read them here. And this is really life, I promise. So, OK, so here's here's what it looks like for you to try to be open in a marriage with this person that you've eloped with and kudos on eloping. So romantic. OK. 10 of wands oppression. OK, like this is hard. It would be rough for you. OK, I'm not. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. It doesn't look like that's something that your partner wants. As much as you want to be open, it looks like maybe he wants to not be open, but your next card is the aion, which is just like a really huge revelation that ushers in the new millennium. It's a new era, and then I'm so big and powerful. It seems to me that like if you guys work it out, I mean, I would even go so far to like, Can you get a couples counselor who is hip to poly stuff? I mean, that could be so helpful. It's something that helps you kind of move into this together, you know? And then the final card for this is Queen of Pentacles. And I think that's you because the queen of Pentacles, I mean, she's kind of the baddest bitch in the tarot, right? I mean, she has it all. She's like, But I'm the goddess of the Earth, so I get everything I want. And you know, that's kind of you having everything you want. I also think that her appearing here suggests that like, you have to be the one that's like grounding this. That's it's kind of grounding this in the relationship, right? You're leading, you're leading the charge into polyamory. So it's kind of on you just sort of like, do it well, right? And like, I don't know, just be that great poly wife. Good luck to you.
Michelle Tea: I'm really going to stop reading cards for questions that haven't been asked, I swear to God I'm really going to do it. OK, now I'm going to see who's in the audience who has a question. They don't have to be romance questions about anything that you want some advice on. And you just raise your little hand and I'll call on you. OK, like I'm going to call on Lisette right now. Lisette Lisette please ask
Querent: Hi, can you hear me?
Michelle Tea: I can hear you great. Yeah.
Querent: Awesome. Yeah. So I've been working at Starbucks for 10 years. I got a chance to promote in February 2020, and I learned so much about myself. I've grown so much with the company and learned that my purpose in life is to nurture the human spirit. That being said, I've asked myself where else I can work with the values that I have, but also make enough income to support my mom, my boyfriend and myself. I thought about nursing, and I wanted to ask if this is the right path for me to take to look into, or if I should just look into something else.
Michelle Tea: All right, that's great. So I'm shuffling right now thinking about nursing. So why don't you think about that too? And like, what draws you to it and anything that you might know about nursing folks who are nurses, the the school you might go to, OK? Nurses are the best shout out to all the nurses. My gosh. Okay. And now I'm going to shuffle thinking, OK, what does it look like if you don't pursue nursing, but you do pursue another avenue that gives you these things that you're saying are so important to you that is aligned with your values lets you nurture the human spirit, which is your calling, and also gives you the income that you need to support the people that you love in your life. So let's see what that looks like outside of nursing. OK. Sure. Thinking three cars for that? All right. So nursing does not look good. Terrible. So this is hilarious. Interesting because this is such a gnarly time for nurses, you know? I mean, you know, nurses and health care professionals are having such a rough time, and on the one hand, they need new nurses, right? But like for you, I mean, you got the tower card and the tower card is a really rough card. Now, if you got two awesome cards after that, I would say, Wow. Nursing school is going to kick your ass that do it. But you didn't get credit cards, you got the tower and then you got the five of discs, Worry, which is just about like worrying about your body, worrying about your health, worrying about your well-being, your economic well-being. And then you've got the adjustment card, which is like, know at the end of the road, the adjustment card is just sort of like, Well, can you balance all of this? You see what your other one is of the other. The other one looks really good. This other route for you, this other path of just looking outside, you're right. The tower isn't bad. It just means transformation. I agree. But it's been a rough ass transformation. And if it comes with some negative cards after it and people are saying, Should I go down this path, I as a tarot reader say, No, don't do it. But sometimes you get good power and that's what I was saying. You, you get good cars after tower and you're like, OK, you should do it even though it's going to kick your ass. But anyway, so for going, for going, looking for another place that offers you sort of the same, you know, just hold you the same way that holds you makes you feel a little better. It looks really nice. The centerpiece card that you have here is the Heirophant. I like the Heirophant when he comes up and work questions because he is he's like the Taurus is ruled by Taurus, which is like the hardest working sign in the zodiac. He's very wise and you know, it's interesting. He's a sort of traditional path and traditional path of employment and knowledge. He's very strong. He's really good. You have on either side, though, this is really interesting. You have the Princess of Swords. She just sort of like, you know, kind of, I wonder is would it be? Is there something that could happen with you leaving? It seems like you really liked working at Starbucks. You don't have any problems with it. Is that true?
Querent: I mean, I don't. I mean, I'm comfortable there. I just, you know, I had a chance to promote and that really took a toll on my my mental health and my physical health. And it's funny because when you said about the nursing just completely breaking me, I thought about that too, because it's even harder work. So I just I don't know what to do because obviously I'm not making enough money to support the people I want to support. So I'm just kind of stuck and don't know where to go.
Michelle Tea: OK. I think you definitely want to start looking for work outside of Starbucks. Then the Princess of Swords is really rash, so it might be something where you're like, Well, that would be crazy of me to do that, but it's like being followed up by the Heirophant is really great. And then your final card here is the four swords and that's Jupiter and Libra. Jupiter brings gifts. Libra is very relational, so once it makes me want to ask, like, are there people that you can talk to? There are people that work in in industries or for companies that you would like to work with that you can kind of reach out to and see if they help you or mentor you. That's one thing that kind of makes me that I think of with that card. But I also, you know, hearing you say that it's been so hard for you. The truce card means it's like the calm after the storm. You know, you can't have a truce without like a war, right? So to me, like the answer to you, getting into a better situation is to kind of not look towards nursing, but look towards some other, you know, whether it's a company, whatever whatever's on your mind that you're thinking about, OK, that's another option. Any other leads in your mind?
Querent: No, I'm completely lost. I thought nursing was going to be the one.
Michelle Tea: If you want to chill life, do not be a nurse. My mom is a nurse and she never, it never ends.
Querent: Thank you so much.
Michelle Tea: You're welcome. And when you think of some different possibilities for you, come back and I'll pick cards for you.
Querent: Oh, thank you so much.
Michelle Tea: Good luck to you. To see what kind of stuff can you answer? You know, I'll answer whatever you know, whatever questions you got. I'll give it my best shot. So, you know, just raise your hand. I'm not going to be picking questions from the from the chat, but I will be picking when people raise their hands. All right. So here's another question that came into me from the Instagram. I love this question, OK? Hi, Michelle. I love the podcast and was hoping to get a few cards pulled. Thanks for loving it. One is the Wiccan/witches/tarot for me? A friend doesn't think it fits who I am. Oh, kind of friend is that? Oh my gosh, what kind of a friend doesn't? Listen, if you want to be a good friend, you've got to support your friends forays into witchcraft. I mean, what are friends for, if not to enable witchcraft? OK, anyway. Two I'm married and my hubby and I don't get intimate much anymore, and it's hard on me with my depression slash anxiety. He thinks I should try experimenting with a girl, since I'm also bi curious, so I want to see what the cards think of that. All right. All right, here we go. I pitched cards on both of these questions, and I did a really good job of only picking the questions asked, not some other questions that I wanted to ask. So listen, I picked three cards. What does the Wiccan pass look like for you? Oh my gosh, it looks really cozy. Dare I say. It looks super, super cozy. Like, are you drawn to really classic kind of earth based pagan light? I don't know frickin fairy magic or what. Because you got some pretty like really pretty Earth cards for this. I'm using the I'm using this great tarot deck. I'll put pictures on Instagram. It's called Mystical Medley's, and it's a project that's inspired by the vintage cartoons of the 1930s. It's wild. It's really cute. So first you got the king of Pentacles. And again, you know, he is just like, he's like the green man and like traditional paganism, right? He's just like the Earth daddy. He's just he's lovely and he's full of abundance and he's just great, right? And then you have the night of Pentacles. Knight of Pentacles is the only night in the tarot. I say this all the time whose horse has all, all the hooves on the ground. He's not running, although I think he actually is a misstep. OK, well, anyway, normally is that. But so, you know, there's something about the knight of Pentacles that is really like it makes me think of a pause, taking a nice pause, having a nice rest, you know, and I just feel like it's grounded. It looks to me like the witchy path is very grounding to you, you know, very grounding and very abundant. It's a way for you to manifest and bring more abundance into your life. And then you also have the six of swords. That's a beautiful card to get. Especially, dare I say, for somebody who struggles with depression and anxiety. The swords is our mind. It's our mental state, and I also suffer from depression and anxiety, and I know all too well, you know, the reality of some of those harsher swords cards. But the six of swords means you're using your mind in a really smart way. Like you're not like spinning out, you're in control of your thoughts and you're being strategic and wise. So I really like this. It seems to me that like a Wiccan practice might actually help you manage your depression and anxiety a little bit. I mean, you know, I am really, really wary of giving medical advice and depression and anxiety is a medical condition. I treat mine with meds, so I'm not saying like, it's going to cure you, but I'm just saying it could be a supportive. It could be, you know, a supportive practice for you. And it's just also something that probably really engages your mind and makes you feel hopeful. My gosh, it's only good. There's only goodness in Wicca for you. OK. However, as much as I do want to encourage, I am that feminist that wants to encourage women to practice witchcraft and become lesbians. Alas, the tarot is saying this is not a good idea for you to solve your intimacy problems with your husband by getting it on with a girl. You know, you're like, You know, and I it's sort of like, You're like, I'm really, really hungry. So should I go skiing or what? You know, it's sort of like, I understand, like, you know, you have like a sexual drive. And sure, that could maybe be satisfied by getting it on with some little cutie. But it seems like you maybe want to deal with the intimacy problem between you and your husband. You know, that's its own problem. That's only going to be solved with you and your husbands. So, you know, the cards that came up reflect this. You got the five of tentacles, which is just like, No, the five tentacles is a big no and maybe start to be swingers. Well, you now I'm so pro swinger, Brian, but it's like, you know, it seems like there's intimacy problems happening with the husband, so it might be a little more complicated than that. And you know, I also have to say, sometimes I know that there's a lot of tarot scholars out here when I'm doing these little like three cards readings. I'm often looking for yes and no energy from the cards. You know, like, I could go very deep into all of these cards and we'd all be here for 40 minutes. And I'm telling you, you think you want it because you love tarot, but you'd be bored. So I just want to say, you know, I am skimming the surface in many ways of these cards of five with tentacles, there's a lot of depth that I could go into about why it's a bad idea, but it's just saying it's a bad idea. Then you have the four of Pentacles. OK, and in this, you know, the four this this has the classic Rider-Waite inspired. The guy who's like wearing is he's clutching all his pentacles. He's scared, you know, he has scarcity. It's just like, there's all these weird vibes. There's a lot of scarcity vibes here. The two of swords, there's like this sort of indecision. You know, the two of swords in that classic Rider-Waite, the person you know, they're blindfolded. They're choosing not to see. They're like holding their swords above their heads in the crossed position, you know? But they could put down their swords and take off their blindfold. So it's this idea of just sort of like not wanting to see, not wanting to act or rather like not really knowing how. So these are three cards that are just, you know, add them all up and they don't really look like something I want to do. And I don't want to. I don't want to tell you to do it as much as I do want you to go have sex with girls, I do. But it seems to me that maybe the first thing to do is to actually, you know, work with your husbands as much as you can. I mean, you know, he's responsible for his own well-being, right? But you know, just see if there's something that you can do to, I don't know, work together as a as a supportive couple to figure out how you can be more on track with each other sexually. I wish you so much luck. If you do, just go and be bi curious anyway. You know, maybe you have more questions. Come back, come back and let us know.
Michelle Tea: So now let's see who is out here, who is out here, Brooke. May I help you?
Querent: Hi, how are you?
Michelle Tea: How are you doing?
Querent: I'm doing great. Great. I'm so I actually sent you on Instagram, but I will say here instead. So basically, I just have this person, this boy in my life that I've fallen in love with. He's fallen in love with me. But for a multitude of reasons, he's like, very unavailable. So I just like, it's kind of messy and I don't really know how to navigate. And what does it look like, basically to keep him in my life for the time being versus just like going in my own direction?
Michelle Tea: OK. OK. So is the idea like what does it look like for you to keep him in your life like sort of in the friend zone, even though you guys are in love with each other? Like like that kind of a thing? Like, What is it like? Is that what you want to know?
Querent: Yeah. Like, he's also a coworker like my superior. So that makes it like.
Michelle Tea: God. This is like, this is so on theme. We've got we've got a real like vibing with my boss. Are you the person. OK. Are you doing marketing for a friend from high school?
Querent: No.
Michelle Tea: OK, so that's a different person, OK? I don't always keep people's names when I say their questions for anonymity. I don't want to say their name by mistake. OK, so what does it look like to stay open to this person on some level? Yeah. All right. Versus just say, you know, I don't get time for blocked roads. I'm moving forward. When you know when you're available, what does it look like for you to sort of gather your energy and move in a different direction? What does that look like? You are like the third person who is wondering about their boss. It's like, I mean, can you think of something? And that is like more like Capricorn season than like wanting to get it on with your boss. So funny.
Querent: And I'm a Capricorn Sun and Mars, so.
Michelle Tea: Now could be. So you're like, you can't help it. You're like, I'm attracted to power. Hmm. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah, keep this person around. Oh my god, you got the heirophant, which is probably him, right? Because a heirophant is like, you know, an authority figure. So here here, Brooke, here are the cards for keeping him in your life. The first one is adjustment, which you know, it's interesting because you know, I'm reading with the top deck now, and this card is really about finding balance. So it's like, OK, it might take you a minute to sort of like, balance your feelings, balance these energies out that you're feeling and sort of try to, I don't know, kind of transcend them or morph them into something else, right? It's also traditionally the justice card. So there might be like, I don't know. I don't know. You know, in what ways? He's not available, but there might be like, I don't know, moral or ethical considerations that affect you, right? Or that weigh on you or occur to you. So you'll be working out with these, you'll be working these things out. The next card is the nine of cups, which is called happiness. So it's like, clearly, you know, your connection brings each other joy, even if you're not able to actualize it on the romantic plane. At the moment, there's still something near where you make each other happy. And then there's the heirophant and it's like, Yeah, are you? So this person is your boss and your your work isn't threatened or anything. Is it because of the situation?
Querent: No.
Michelle Tea: No. It doesn't seem like it is. The heirophant is great to hear. I mean, I think it's just him. I think it's just saying, I think it's placement in this brand is just really saying that like, he is an important person to you. He's a benevolent person. He's probably going to do that, continue to do the right thing, whatever that means. It's just, you know, there's maybe something kind of traditional about him, you know, and as for as for going off and saying, like goodbye, you've got like three court cards for that. And I'm always a little bit perplexed by cards anyway. And to get three of them, I'm always like, What are you trying to tell me? So it was a night, a night of just Queen of cups, night of wants. It could be that there's more people for you to date out there that once you kind of cut him loose energetically, people show up for you. But you know, these just aren't that exciting. I mean, the night of just, you know, again, everything is the context of the question. It's the context of the cards that are near each other. And it's also the context also of my intuition, honestly. But you know, the night of just in this in this case feels a little boring. The Queen of Cups, she's very cloudy. And then the night of wands is like a little too impulsive. So it's just like it's unbalanced energies if you walk away from him. But it does look like it's better for you to figure out a way to balance these energies and keep him in your life and try to salvage the connection that can be salvaged between you guys for now. So it makes sense because.
Querent: I actually pulled the temperance card when I pull cards for him a lot. And that's all about balance too, right?
Michelle Tea: Yeah, it very, very much. Is it very much is? Well, let me say something. OK, yeah, that's not what I'm just making sure I'm not going to ask you. Now read your question by mistake and answer usefulness. OK, well, well, good luck to you. And I do hope that you know you're able to enjoy the connection with this person, but still somehow keep keep that door open for romance that can flow.
Querent: Yeah, maybe it just means waiting it out a little bit. Maybe it does. All right. Well, thank you, Michelle.
Michelle Tea: You're welcome. Have a great night, too. OK, let's go back to some more of the love Lauren here. Let me see. OK? This has a little bit of all the things that I love polyamory bosses. Everything that we like for Capricorn season. OK, I'm engaged and in love. And we recently discussed being open to polyamory. Well, I recently started a new job doing marketing for a friend from high school who started his own business this year. And I think I'm falling for my boss laughing, sweating emoji. I guess my question is, will this thing I'm feeling from my boss go anywhere? Is it worth pursuing? I don't want to put this job opportunity at risk, but the attraction is real for you guys, you guys. Oh my God. You guys know that like, you can just also have an attraction, right? That like life doesn't need to like stop, crash and crumble because you've had an attraction. You could just also be like, I'm attracted to that person. That's cute. But whatever, that's not the question. I'm not going to read cards or questions that aren't asked. All right. So do you guys have recently discussed being open to polyamory? OK, so this is like really, really new. You're not open yet. You are engaged and in love. That's very nice. Well, the thing I'm feeling for my boss. OK, what is this energy look like for your boss? OK, let's see, I just that's what I'm going to ask, you know, is this worth, you know, creating waves with your fiance? Say fucking up your job, you know? Is it worth it? It's so rarely is. Am I right? You guys so rarely. OK, but maybe this is like something monumental. Who knows? Who knows? Like, this is your big love story going to give it one more shuffle and see what does it look like? This energy between you and your boss here on the eve of your wedding. It's OK. Oh Jesus Christ. Run away from this. Right away from this. OK. The very first card that comes up is the 10 of swords, which is like the worst, right? That's like the worst card. You know, it's called ruin in the top deck. And it's just like, it's I mean, it's almost like it almost makes me want to ask, like, are you? Do you have any worries about getting married? Like, Are you sabotaging or are you like, I don't know. And then the next card is the Moon. And it's like, Oh, ruin and the Moon. Jesus Christ, like, you know, the moon is just like, What is even going on here? And then I like this at the very end. OK, it's the virtue card. It's the three of wands sun in areas. It's a beautiful card. It's a beautiful card that frankly confuses me coming at the tail end of ruining the Moon for this wild question. But I'm going to stick with my. I'm going to stick with my like. You know, this isn't the transformative power card. Like, yes, you should blow up your life because, you know, this is just romance is going to be so earth shattering. That's not what this is. This is just like mental anguish, lots of confusion, deception, anxiety. And I just see that you have a very pure heart. I feel like it's what the virtue card is saying. And, you know, I think that, like, think about it, it's really interesting because the virtue, it's like, what does virtue mean, right? It sounds so judgy, right? We don't like that. But it's also it is asking like, you know, what kind of like, do you want to be living? You know, what kind of a partner do you want to be to your fiancee? You know what kind of what kind of worker in the world do you want to be? It just seems like, I think that, you know that this is like a weird avenue for you to be going down. So let me see what is we have we have other people saying, let's say three or one feels like, give it another thinking, come back into balance with your own morals and values, ash. You said that so well, I'm going to read that again. Give it another think and come back into balance with your own morals and virtues. I agree. I agree. I really think it's I really think it's saying like, you're better than this because you really don't want this. So so they're OK. Keep talking about polyamory with your fiancee, but that's not. You don't want to. That's not how you want to, you know, enter into such a complicated scenario. I don't think anyway. OK, let's see who wants me to pick some cards for them, rosemary. Hello, Rosemary. You might be muted. Well, you are muted. So unmute so I can hear you. Hmm. Rosemary, you are muted and OK, I'm going to come back to you again, rosemary. You can.
Querent: I'm here.
Michelle Tea: Here. OK, great. I'll help you out here. What's your question for? The tarot.
Querent: Thing is that last year I ended a relationship of over 14 years. I felt that my partner wasn't being supportive of me. My son was having mental issues, a mental breakdown. And so we ended our relationship. I ended up starting a new relationship with somebody that I know at work, and he has a girlfriend. Me and my ex had been on and off for me, and the new guy have been consistent, so I'm just confused of where I should be at my my family. Life is good and my son has gotten the help that he needs to hear that. But I just I feel like the relationship with my ex like that is dying here and I feel more of a connection with the new guy. But the fact that he has a girlfriend is kind of obviously crappy explaining there. So I had thought of a polyamorous relationship with my ex, and he didn't go for that. But the new guy kind of gives me freedom to do whatever I want to.
Michelle Tea: So, wow, OK, well, I checked. I pitched cards on both of these guys, and you got pretty strong cards for both of them. I mean, obviously these people are both important people in your life. It's really interesting. Like, you're like, Oh, the the relationship with my ex is dying. The centerpiece card for that relationship is strife. So it's just like, there's just you also have the emperor and love, you know, on either side of that. So that's very interesting. You know, you have the emperor's strife and love and now with your your boyfriend, you have the empress, the hermit and the ace of death. I'm going to get into this a little deeper, but I think it's really it. Is there something about your husband where, like, does he make things all about him being?
Querent: He hides from confrontation, from emotions, from from dealing with anything? Okay, he very bury his head in the sand.
Michelle Tea: Okay, I'm guessing that the emperor is representing him, and it's just interesting because in your other, you are more your energies are more represented and the other one. So it seems like you're maybe more able to like be yourself a little bit more relationship with your boyfriend. You know, the emperor is a, you know, most tarot cards are neutral or, you know, they all have, you know, positive sides and shadow sides. So that's the shadow side of the emperor is just a little bit stuck in their ways, a little impermeable to authoritative. But it just could be.
Querent: Let's he is. I feel that he's very old school. He's he's tall. He's a Taurus, I'm a Gemini. And then the new guy is a Libra.
Michelle Tea: Oh, OK. OK. Yeah. You know, with that strife card, it's so funny. The strife is the astrological meaning. Behind the five of wands is Saturn in Leo, and Leo is like, I want to play and sounds like no playing, you know? So it's it's sort of like it's kind of a downer vibe, but there is there is love between you guys, for sure. You know, for real. Now over here, I like this. I like this vibe with your boyfriend, you know, and I'm glad to hear. So does his girlfriend know that you're around?
Querent: She doesn't know about me, but I feel that there is like some disconnection or something between them because me and him have gotten a lot closer.
Michelle Tea: Well, yeah, but that's like his issue. You know what I mean? But you know, for all intents and purposes, for you right now, it looks like you have the empress, the hermit and a Buddhist so that you're the empress here. Right? And it's showing that this is a relationship that is allowing you to flourish in this sort of I mean, the empress is Venus. She's love like she's the goddess of love, like you're flourishing in that area right now. And maybe that was an area that hadn't been flourishing for a while in your marriage, you know, so that looks really beautiful. Do you have access to that? The hermit is really interesting. You know, the hermit cards I find comes up a lot when we are solo, when we are not in a relationship. And so it's really interesting that like how you're saying, like you get to do what you want, like, this is an interesting type of relationship where you get to be present and get to experience love, but you are also the hermit. Like, you are not partnered to this person, right? You're free. And there's a certain type of wisdom that you get from a situation like this. And you know, the hermit is really it's really interesting. I mean, it could also represent him in a way and, you know, talk about hiding. I mean, if he's hiding relationships from the people that he's in, that is going to blow up in his face at some point so that you just expect that the ace of this, though coming up for you, it looks like there's really a possibility of a cycle of activity with this person that will be grounding and helpful for you. It's one of those things where I'm just like, You know me, me, this individual named Michelle in the world. I'm like, Girl run. He's not telling his other girl about you get out of there. But the tarot is saying, this is actually not a bad situation for you right now. It might not be good for you forever, but you have at least one sort of cycle with this guy that I think is going to to be. It's going to give you a lot of things that you need that you're not going to get with your with your husband.
Querent: I agree. OK. My other question is, well, it's still in the love area. Like, is there somebody else? Is it just like, I'm done with my husband? The new guy is just a transition to maybe something else.
Michelle Tea: Right? What's beyond is there is there. Yeah, is there. Should you just be focusing on this guy right now or is there somebody else out there that you could be, you know, calling into your romantic, your romance of fear? Let's see if there is or not. Not right now. Not right now. Your hands are full right now. I mean, I don't think this guy is forever, but right now it looks like. That's what what's happening is with between the energy that you're still processing with your husband and also just like processing this new connection and what it means and what it doesn't mean, you're you're you're a dance card is full. That's a lot.
Querent: Yes, it is.
Michelle Tea: But again, that's just for now. The ask again. Later, always.
Querent: OK, I love it. Thank you, Michelle.
Michelle Tea: Good luck, Rosemary. Thanks. Bye bye. Bye bye. Listen, don't date a girl and then date another girl. And just don't tell one of the girls that you're dating the other girl. I mean, oh my gosh, you guys don't do it. All right. All right. We got another. We're not done. I'm not done helping people figure out if they should sleep with their bosses or not. That's my reason for being tonight, you guys. This is the divine help I'm giving to people. Should they sleep with their bosses. OK, so here we go. My life has sort of become a dumpster fire. I was recently diagnosed with MS. And started getting treatments, and then on Friday I was fired from my job without warning. I'm feeling awful about most things right now, but I was excited that the manager I used to have was very supportive and kind. When I messaged him about needing a reference, I had a crush on him for months and I'm so excited that there might be a real connection there. But one of my friends just messaged me about not thinking that I should be thinking about anything like that. And I don't have anything to offer a partner. And apparently they thought this for months post what the hell. Honestly, I'm so depressed right now, and I'm wondering if you could do a reading, OK?
Michelle Tea: Oh, my goodness. All right. So this isn't quite this isn't quite. Should I sleep with my boss? This person is no longer your boss and you're picking up some vibes here. So ableist thank you. It is so ableist. That is wild. OK. I'm so sorry that somebody said that to you. I mean, you know, whether or not this is a great time for you to like, pursue romance, the terrible statement. But it's certainly not because like you're getting MS treatments. My God, that is really that's really rude. OK, let me see what it looks like for you to pursue something with your old manager. Let's see what that looks like. I'm sorry that your life feels like a dumpster fire. It's not. You're going to get, you're going to get through it and you're going to stabilize because that's just what happens when we get out of balance, we get back into balance. So but I'm not going to pick a card about what you should do with that friend because that's really what I want to do. But again, I'm not going to codependently devise questions for people. If you want to know if you should dump that friend, send me another message and I'll try to get to it. OK. My goodness. All right. So I just picking three cards right now. Four. What does it look like for you to pursue something with this old manager? And what does it look like for you not to? Not because you don't have anything to offer? I mean, everybody has stuck to offer. That's just crazy statement. And obviously, you have stuff to offer. But also, maybe this isn't the best time for romance for you. Maybe it is a moment about self-care and, you know, dealing with your depression, getting on track with your health and then, you know, just giving yourself all that love that is also a fine way to be. OK, let me see what it looks like to not pursue this dude right now because some things are a distraction. You don't want to be looking for a love affair to distract you from, like your depressions. You know what I mean? Because we can't use people like that. We have to kind of take care of ourselves, OK? Ha. Right. I'm flipping cards. All right, my friends. Listen, you really do like this guy. It doesn't look like it's going to really go anywhere, but I don't think that it would be terrible for you to pursue it. OK, so listen, the first card you have is the star, and the star wants us to like dream big and go after what we want, right? So I'm saying, like the star, I'm getting this like inspired star energy that's saying, like, go for it, you know? And then the ace of disc, like something sparks. There's something there, you know, there's like a possibility and that sense of possibility. I mean, sometimes that's all we need out of life, right? Is just the reminder of that sense of possibility. You know, the last cards, the five, the five of just where. So it seems like, I don't know, it hits it hits a pothole of of set of sorts, right? But listen, the cards are not pursuing him aren't better. You have the night of wands, the two of wands and the rather depressing seven of discs. And so I'm reading this as like all this one's energy, that's your will, right? Knight of Wands, Dominion. The two of wands Mars and Aries got all this Aries energy. So I just think that like. And then all this area's energy comes up against the sort of cold, hard seven seven of discs, which is called failure. And so it's sort of like you like, put your own fire out, you know, that's what it looks like. It looks like if you don't do something, it's almost feels it might almost feel like you're capitulating to like what your friend said, you know, like you're agreeing with her or something and you don't want to do that. Not even energetically, you know so. So if it's possible for you in a low stakes way to, I don't know, put it out there with this guy, try to keep your expectations low. You know, it's a very least it could be like a cute flirtation. It could be a nice friendship. You know, eventually that five of this is going to crop up and who knows what that is, right? That could just be you being like, Oh shit, I started something. And now I don't know if I want it. You know, it could be something like that. It's like little. The ground feels unstable, like, you know, maybe I don't want this or who knows what it is? Time will tell, but it is some sort of energy that's rough. But before that, there's something that's pretty there, and I want you to experience that. I think it will be useful for you. So good luck. All right. Now, let's see who is here, who can pick cards for.
Michelle Tea: Alex. You are up. Hello, Alex. You're muted right now.
Querent: There you go. OK. Hi. Hi. I have a question that's more career oriented. That's right. Yeah, I'm a I'm a musician. I write songs and I've been working on it for a long time, like 10 years.
Michelle Tea: OK.
Querent: During a pandemic, it's been kind of like crazy to see what the future looks like for live music and stuff. Yeah, but right now, I just feel like I'm really in a struggle like with my financial place right now because I just been putting so much into my career. It just seems like there's never an end in sight, and I'm just like, OK, like, is this going to pay off one day? Like, Is this like, I feel like this is what I'm definitely supposed to be doing. But yeah, just looking for some encouragement, I guess.
Michelle Tea: OK, so do you want me to put cards on? Like, what is it look like if you continue to put all your energy into your music?
Querent: Yeah, I'm like, maybe also like journey to kind of like, am I proud of it right now? And just like also get some sort of side gig right now just because.
Michelle Tea: OK, so the first poll I'm going to do is like not doing that, right? It's like just continuing to put all of your energy, all of your resources and your time into music. So we'll see what that looks like. And now I'm going to shuffle and see what does it look like for you to join the masses of talented artists everywhere who have side gigs because we live in a world that just like doesn't pay creative people? It's so hard. So what does it look like for you to just like, you know, do what you gotta do to pay the bills? There's no shame in that, so let's see what there is want to do one more little shuffle for some sort of side gig and three cards for that. OK. So yes, you want to get a sidekick? You need to give sidekick. It is. And I was wondering if this was the case when I was chuckling. It's actually going to free up so much energy like psychic energy for you to be able to put into your work because you're not going to be stressing, do you know what I mean? Yeah, I often think just as a creative person. Also, like when we put so much pressure on our art to support us, it can kind of cool it. You know, it really changes the the relationship between you and your art. I mean, obviously, we all want to make money doing what we love and we all should be able to do that. But there's just, you know, when it's not super flowing, like, don't put that kind of pressure on it, like the three cards that you have for it, for doing that, for just being like, I'm just going to do my art. I'm just going to make it work with music. You have the queen of discs, which is like, Yeah, I mean, you've got the fortitude, you've got the talent like, it looks like, why wouldn't it happen? Like, why couldn't this be the route, right? Why couldn't just be the path? But then the next card that you get is the Prince of Swords. And for whatever reason, you know, the Prince of Swords key is in this chariot, and he wants to it to move forward, and it's just not moving forward. The little is being pulled by these little fairies that are just too small to pull the chariot forward. So he has his arm held back. He's about to slice through their reins and start over and just kind of configure a new strategy. OK. So was just saying like, you know, and there's there's a lot of unknowns in the Prince of Swords like, I feel like he doesn't even know what he's going to do next. He just knows this isn't working. So this is just a sign from the tarot saying it's just not working to put so much pressure on your creative work. And then the next card is the seven of cups which is debauch in this deck. In the top deck, it's really talking about like desperately trying to get something out of something that it won't give it to you, right? So it's just it's it feels very clear in the context of your question that like this is just trying, trying to get the music to kind of like give back to you in a way that it's just not able to right now. And again, it's just for right now, it's not forever. Now the cards, you got such beautiful cards for a side gig that they're clearly not about a side gig, right? This is not like, Oh, you're going to get this gorgeous side gig and like, that's what you're going to want to do for the rest of your life. I mean, who knows, maybe it will lead to something unexpectedly incredibly inspiring. But what I really think it's about is that by doing this, you're just freeing up energy so that you can come to your art with like, Oh God, I only want to say more purity because I hate when people are like, Oh, you're starving, artist, your work is so pure, but you got the two of swords, which is peace, right? And it's like peace of mind. Like what brings peace of mind, like money in the bank? Nothing that I've ever known. Right? So it's like peace of mind. And then you get the star card and like, that's your inspiration. Like, that's your music, right? So that your music is showing up in your side. Reading is really important. OK. And then the prince of the Princess of Wands, and I love her. She's fearless. She's intuitive. She's facing her fears. She's like just doing what needs to happen. It's like, you're like, you said humble yourself, like, you know, whatever, whatever it might mean to you to have to get this job, it sounds like it does have some meanings that it doesn't need to have, right? But looking at those saying fuck off to them, you know, like not letting, not letting this be, you know, not not bringing in any kind of narrative that the saying that this is like a bad thing or a failure or anything like that. This is just, you know, this is just life. And this is just a way for you to pay some bills so you can focus on the star, right? Pondering that inspiration and you are transmitting it into music and doing what you're supposed to do.
Querent: OK, that makes sense. Yeah. Super helpful. Thank you so much.
Michelle Tea: OK. You're very welcome. Good luck. Thank you. Bye bye. Guys, I want all of the artists and the musicians and the writers and everyone to just like, get paid. Why is it so hard? It's like you get to just, you know, do terrible things on the planet. If you want a lot of money, it's like, what a horrible thing can I exploit and get a ton of and get a ton of money? OK, let me see. I'm going to go back here to one last, one last. What do you call a problem that came into my Instagram again? If you guys want to send me your problems this way, I'm @michelleteaz on Instagram to Z. And you know, I got like a forty seven page document filled with problems. I'll throw yours in there and I'll get to them ASAP, I promise. Or you can try your luck raising your hands. I will be back here next Thursday. I love this. You guys, so much people were like, Michelle, do you even want to do it? It's like the holidays. And I was like, Oh my God, it's my Christmas present to myself. I love reading cards on the tarot, so I will be here next Thursday also. OK, here we go. This is a good one.
Querent: My ex-boyfriend and I believe that we've been lovers in several lifetimes. However, in this lifetime, our relationship didn't work out. We dated for three years and it was mostly long distance when we broke up. I really felt like my reason for meeting him was to make amends for anything from the past. I was ready to close the door and move on forever. I love how spiritual these people are, you guys. So our relationship wasn't the healthiest. We were both alcoholics and I had some intense codependency and depression going on. We broke up over a year ago, and in that time I've gotten sober and tackled my mental health demons. Huzzah! Good for you! I've not talked to my ex or seen him on social media since the breakup. He calls me at one a.m. last week, asking if I still had his shirt. I don't. I burned them in a full moon breakup ritual. Yes. Oh my god, I love this person so much. I love both of these people. Do you imagine, like, do I want to test my ex at one a.m. and be like, still got my shirts up that my shirt's OK? And then her being like, No, sorry, I burned them when ritual. I've been really wanting to reach out to him and catch up, but I know I still have romantic feelings for him. My question for the tarot is what does it look like if we start talking again? And what does it look like if I block his number and never talk to him again?
Michelle Tea: Okay, let's. I like this black or white thinking. I like it a lot. OK, what does it look like if we start talking again for your legs? Hey, sorry, I brought your shirt to the full moon rituals. One of the T-shirt shopping. OK, so three cards for that. The verses I'm going to block you so you can't start asking me for all the other trinkets. You cluttered my apartment with that I burned during various witchcraft rituals. OK, what does it look like if you're just like by next slice? Try again, next slice. Because I don't know. You've gotten sober. I mean, I'm sorry if he's gotten sober, right? You don't. Do we know that it's not. We don't have that piece of information. OK, so freaking out, what does that look like? Complicated. Hmm. Oh my goodness. OK, I'm going to just tell you what I see in the cards. I will give you my analysis, and you're definitely, of course, going to make up your own mind. They both look complicated, OK? They both have two good cards and one that are OK to pause their cards one challenging card. So seeing him is the Queen of Swords, which is really interesting because the Queen of Swords is usually like firing people like she's the one that's like, block his number. But you know, there is a read on the Queen of Swords. You know, I'm looking at the image right now. She is sitting on a cloud as a sword in one hand and what looks like a decapitated head in the other. OK? She's just like a harsh woman. But some people say it's a mask, OK, it's not a hat, it's a mask. And she's about removing masks. So you know, this might be a way for you to be able to get really real, right? Remove your mask and be like, Make your amends or. However, what comes after Queen of sorts the ruin card? Oh my God. 10 of swords, that's high, right? You know what is like the you know, the general point of the ten of swords is the worst has happened. So what do you imagine the worst being? What's the worst case scenario of meeting up with him? It might happen, but then on the other side of that, you have the ace of cups, so you are renewed by this, right? There might be something really great about having faced him and gotten some resolution. Got it. Getting to kind of like really kind of put an end to the wondering, like, what is should I, you know, like you're able to kind of start fresh and just be like, OK, I know I don't want that. Like, I know that that's no good. Now, if you block him and move on, it kind of. It looks like there's a lot of there's a lot of energy in that. That's kind of good. You know, like the first part is the two of wands Dominion, Mars and Aries. You're like each me taking care of me. I'm detaching with the chainsaw. Well, again, it's very black and white, right? No, forget it. You know, I'm just doing what's good for me. You're not just for me. Good bye. On the other side of that, that's the first part. The third part is the prince of Wands. Again, very fiery, almost performative. Almost a little dramatic, right? So there's a lot of, you know, blocking him has a lot of sort of dramatic me first energy, which is not a bad thing, except the middle card is eight of cups. Indolence, OK, with the endless. It's sort of like you're just paving over. You're like throwing cement on a dead body. You know what I mean? That thing is still under there, rotting away. That's what it feels like. You know, the eight of cuts is about neglect, emotional neglect. So, you know, there's a third sort of option, which is that you're just not going to do it right now, you know, because it does look like painful as it may be. You do need to have that talk with this person. Like maybe you need to make amends. Maybe you need to let them know you're sober. You know, obviously he needs something from you. That doesn't mean that he's going to get it, but or maybe he will. But with the ruined card, it looks like there's there's a problem. I would actually go even though there's the room and I would rather like, suck it up and deal with the ruined card than feel like there's a festering indolence card underneath me. I don't like that. I'd rather deal with the problem, get through it and then be in that beautiful, renewed new beginning. Ace of Ace of Cups. And listen, listen, there is a possibility that you guys both go through that ruined card together and that ace of cups that no beginning is something that's shared between the both of you. Maybe you guys both need to go through that ace of swords together, but only if he's sober too, obviously, right? OK, dudes, at seven oh two, I need to go make paleo. I need to go make paleo gingerbread cookies for my newly paleo. Not by choice. My poor, newly paleo fiancee who now has to be paleo. I'm going to make gingerbread cookies. But listen, I'll do one more. One more question from you guys while I'm here, OK? Goody goody, you're up. You're the last one of the night.
Querent: Oh my goodness. Thank you so much. Can you hear me OK? So my question is about my house. I just bought my first house in August, and I truly hate it. I made a lot of concessions on my spectrum is a lot of stuff. I spent all of my savings, which was like $30000 on just like making it livable. There's still like 20 thousand dollars worth of other stuff that I just I'm just overwhelmed with, and I'm just at this point. Like I said, I just closed in August. I just moved in in September, and at this point I'm like, Do I just want to cut my losses and just sell the house? A neighborhood on me like my real estate is like, Oh, up and coming. But like, the gunshots are kind of crazy. It's just like, really? I mean, I understand, you know, trying to move in and, you know, be the first in the neighborhood. But I'm just really overwhelmed. And like, every day, I hate my house. Like, there's times that like like my job switch from remote to in an office, which is another thing like, I hate going in the office. It gives me so much anxiety. So I'm like also looking for another job that will be fully remote. But then if I do that, then I have to wait two years to apply for another mortgage if I do sell this house. So it was just like, I'm not sure the the decision of trying to sell this house. Is that a smart thing to do? Should I just sit on it like the plan was for this to be a five-year house? But I can't even really see myself here for another two years and then two years that I would have to wait for the mortgage. So I guess just kind of opposing factors, and I would just really not sure what I should do because it's like the house is like making me anxious to make them of. And even worse.
Michelle Tea: So first, I'm just shuffling, and I'm saying, you know, what does it look like for you to just to stay in the house, to sit on the house, even though it sucks, even though it's hard and likes? Have your energy be spent towards? What can you do to make it feel more like a home? What can you do to clear the energy? What can you do to help yourself with your help manage your depression and your anxiety better so they're not feeding into each other? What does it look like for you to just accept that you know it's the back of your home and you've got you? It's in your best interest to do that. Or, as you suggested, what does it look like for you to cut your losses? Obviously, there's tons of problems with that too, right? You're in a bad situation. I get it. But what does it look like for you to say, you know, something I'm going to take? This is the lesser of two evils I got to get out of here. It's not good for my mental health. I'll just I'll deal with it. You know, I'll take the loss. I'll figure it out. What does that look like for you just to get out? All right. So sitting on it versus getting out, oh gosh, it really. It really does look hard. It really does look hard here. OK, right now. I OK. I'm just going to read the cards to you, and I'll tell you what I think because it is, it's really complicated. So the first card for staying in the house, you have the prince of cups, and he's tormented. I mean, I feel like this is your energy right now around this right? Things feel really intense. There's anxiety. There's depression. The prince of cups in the top deck, he's on this big, beautiful bird. He doesn't know whether, you know, the bird can go up into the sky and it can go deep into the ocean. But he's too nervous to make a move. He's not doing anything, and he's holding a lotus that's pointed down. And that is a symbol of just sort of like letting the worst parts of your personality kind of eat you alive. So it just seems like this isn't bringing out the best in you, and it's the next. The next card that you have here is the luxury card, OK? And it's the four of cups. It's an interesting card. It looks beautiful, right? There's a beautiful lotus, clean water, gorgeous cuts. But the ocean is rocky. So there's always this fear that the cuts are going to fall over. And it just sounds like that's a little bit like what's going on for you. Like, you do have this house, you do have a place to live. I get that it's not ideal at all. But then there's also this sense like you're hearing gunshots. It must feel like an unstable. It doesn't feel stable. You're afraid something's going to happen if you stay there. The final card is the knight of wands. The nine of wands is the most high energy, one of the most high energy cards in the deck. OK? He's like fire upon fire and he's going for it. He's just freaking going for it. Now, remember, this is the reading about staying in your house, not leaving, right? It's not staying. So it looks like in order to stay, it's like really taking stock of your mental health in a way, right? And being like, OK, if I'm going to stay here, what can I do to to take care of myself? You know, like, yeah, there's gunshots that's probably going to happen again. Like, this neighborhood is going to maybe take it's going to take a couple of years for it to feel safe or whatever. You know, whatever you're expecting to happen with the neighborhood, it's not going to happen overnight if it happens. But what can you do? There are things you can do, and the night of wands is really saying that. And you know, here's the thing some of those things might need to happen regardless if it's about mental health stuff, right? Because it could be that, you know, the house with all its genuine problems, there's a larger problem, which is that it's exacerbating or triggering mental health stuff, right? So now for leaving, cutting your losses and leaving it, actually, gosh, maybe it does look feel better. The first part is the princess of death. She's lovely. She's beautiful. She has just gone through some shit, right? She's on the other side of this tangle of woods. So this is you with your house in the past, right? And you're like, Oh my God, I just went through something. She's pregnant, which is like, about newness. It's like a new beginning for you. And then you have the love card, which is really great, like two, of course, which is saying, perhaps like, maybe it is really, you know, self-love, an act of self-love for you to cut those losses and just get out of there, you know, and not punish yourself by staying in a situation that is feels, you know, violent or scary or however it feels. Those are two beautiful cards. However, at the end you have a rough card, you have the 10 of wands, which is called oppression. So here's what I'm seeing for that. I'm seeing that. Like, Yes, if you leave and cut your losses, it's going to be a huge relief for you. I think you will be in a better situation. But also there's some stuff that aren't that's bothering you right now that is not about the house. Those problems are still going to be with you. So you will still kind of have to deal with some other stuff, but maybe you'll you'll, you know, you'll be in a better place. Be able to handle those things that make sense.
Querent: Yeah, so I'm wondering if, like the other stuff, it's like our relationship and work and then dealing with the financial loss, the actor cutting my losses if I just.
Michelle Tea: Well the other stuff, you're saying. The nature of the oppression card. It would. I mean, I don't think that it's the financial loss. I feel like you will. You have to accept that if you're going to do that, right? So there's no point in doing that. And then just like being miserable, like you have to accept that, and I think it might feel like a worthwhile trade off for you. The oppression card, the nature of the oppression is it's something that you've been doing for a while. At the beginning, you were like, This is great, but now you're like, Why did I ever think I wanted to do this? It could be the relationship if the relationship feels oppressive to you, as at one point it was great. And now you're like, this actually gets in the way of me living my best life. It could be the job, you know, if you're like, I thought I wanted this job, but now this job is really stressing me out. But it's something that you've been. It's a 10, so it's something that you've been doing for a while. Again at the beginning was probably great, but it hasn't been great for a little while now, and it looks like you're going to have to get real about that. Does that make sense? It sounds like you're talking about my book. I hope there's a software out for you. But yeah, you know something. It's like if you think you can kind of like, totally revamp your attitude, you know, and then stay in that house, then do it. But it might. If it's beyond you to revamp your attitude, that's not a failure. That's not on you. You know it just like it just might not be that kind of a situation. So it really might be better for you to cut your losses and like, get yourself into a place where you can, like, breathe again.
Querent: Yeah, wow. It's like, 50/50 either way.
Michelle Tea: So wow, it is a hard situation. Tarot doesn't give us easy, easy answers, but you know, I just picked the heirophant for you as well, and I feel like you do now in your gut, which which of these is the way to go. It's just about really committing yourself to it. You can't, you can't be like, OK, I'm going to stay in the house and then stay in the same mental state about it that you are right now. You know, you've got to kind of snap out of it. And if it's not possible, then don't stay there.
Querent: Yes, thank you.
Michelle Tea: You're so welcome. Good luck to you. Are you guys OK? That's it. I'm headed to Gingerbread Town. If you like this, if it was your first time, if you want to hear other, Ask the Tarot’s, just go to Spotify, search Your Magic. That's my other podcast, which maybe you'll love, and all the Ask the Tarot's are there. You can listen to them. I'll be back here next Thursday. I don't know what the theme will be. I mean, I've barely made a dent in these love problems, so maybe, maybe I'll go back to them. Oh, who? Kate Lee first time? Well, thanks for checking it out. Tell your friends I'm here every Thursday. 6:00 Pacific, 9:00 Eastern. And if you celebrate the holidays this week, I hope that they're really fun for you. Good night.
Michelle Tea: Hello, friends. Remember to catch Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on Spotify Green Room. You can join me for a journey through the cycles of life, love and aspiration in real time. Just download the Spotify Green Room app, sign up for free or use your Spotify login to join the conversation. Then you'll be able to hear live readings. Meet super interesting people and even ask the tarot questions of your own. Download Spotify Green Room for free today and join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday.