Ask the Tarot: Goth-Jock Solidarity with NFL Star Cam Jordan
This is a recording of our live Greenroom show from December 16, 2021. Follow @askthetarot on the Spotify Greenroom app to catch Michelle Tea live every Thursday at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET.
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Michelle Tea: Hey, everyone, thank you so much for tuning in. But did you know that you can join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on Spotify Green Room. That is right live. All you have to do is download the Spotify Greenroom app and sign up for free or use your Spotify login to join. You can also click the link in our series or episode descriptions. Once you're there, follow Ask the Tarot. And tune in every Thursday at eight p.m. to hear what the deck has in store. Hey, I'll even read your questions live. Why miss out on that. Download Spotify Green Room for free today and join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday.
Michelle Tea: Hello, friends, welcome to you, another night of Ask the Tarot, I'm Michelle, I'm your host on the Spotify podcast Your Magic, and the author of the book Modern Tarot, among others. And tonight we're here to read tarot cards. I'm going to read your tarot cards if you have such a need. Just throw your hands up in the little request hit that request button and I'll call on you. And I'm also going to be reading some questions that came to me via Instagram. If you would rather do that, you want me to read your question anonymously out loud. Find me at on Instagram at @michelleteaz. And we can do it that way, too. And I believe we are going to have a special guest here tonight also whose cards are going to pick. I'm just going to wait till till, said Friend Show in. I'm now seeing that it's in the headline for that. Yes, NFL star Cam Jordan from the New Orleans Saints is going to be here and I'm going to pick cards for him.
Michelle Tea: So what a fun night. Thank you for being here. I'm so happy to see everything. I'm not going to shut up, Jasmine. I mean it. Cam Jordan here in this room, you know, hopefully, hopefully I can help them out. You know, it's all I ever want to do. So speaking of helping people out, I have picked some some questions that are like, really wild. Some people are having hard times all around love or they're in some sort of confusing spot with love. So the first one is a truly intense question.
Michelle Tea: OK, I'm going to get to it. I already picked the cards on it. So here we go. I've been married for 14 years. We recently tried swinging and hooked up full swap with a couple at a club, even though it wasn't our plan. We both regret it, but my husband came to the realization that I agreed to do it to make him happy. As a result, we've had some really good conversations and epiphanies about our relationship, but I'm not sure we can recover from this experience. It brought up past trauma for me, and I'm just not sure to add complications. We have four kids and I really want to make this work for them. My question to the tarot is simple. Should we work on the relationship or let it go?
Michelle Tea: Wow, you guys. Oh my goodness, I have so much to say about this question before I get to what the tarot says. You know, like to put my two cents in sometimes, but you know, I really want to say, you know, wait, a be brave, querent. You know, you did something that so many people are curious about and attracted to, but maybe you're too scared to or let other things get in the way of it. And you did it. And I really just want to commend you for shaking things up, for taking a chance, for doing something different. I mean, something like this can only be approached as a weird experiment. Am I right?
Michelle Tea: And that it didn't go well? It isn't a surprise, which isn't to say that. Like, of course, it didn't go well. I mean, it also could have went amazingly, and that also would not have been a surprise. What I'm saying is these things are a crapshoot. And you guys have had to know going into it that it could be really weird. You know, I'm a little concerned when your sentence that we, my husband, came to the realization that I agreed to do it to make him happy. I'm a little concerned with that sentence because you know me, you guys, I love direct communication. If we all had direct communication, I'd be out of a frickin job, probably. But direct communication is the greatest, and it's making me wonder, did you not tell him that you agreed to do it to make him happy? How did you realize that without you telling him, why didn't you tell him? Why did you agree to do it to make him happy? You know, these are a lot of questions that I hope, you know, it sounds like you guys are having awesome epiphanies and conversations, and that sounds so good. You guys sound tight. They hope you're having these conversations within your own self as well. OK? I really do. So, all right. Anyway, and I'm just kind of like, Oh gosh, you can't. You can't break up over that. You can't break up over over us like one night in a swingers club, my god, you know? But but you actually can do whatever you want to force. Let me tell you what the tarot says about it.
Michelle Tea: OK, should we work on the relationship? It does not look bad to work on the relationships the first card you have, and I'll let you guys know I'm pulling from the she wolf tarot, which I freaking love. And it's a very sexy, dark and a very feminist. Post pictures of it on my Instagram page. You guys want a peek? But you know, the first card you got is the ace of Pentacles. So this means it's time for a whole new cycle of getting real. I mean, Pentacles, you know, is about the real world is about our bodies, right? It's about food. On the table are jobs. So it's interesting that this is triggering a new cycle of pentacles with you and your husband where you know it is all about your body's, you know, like what? What your body has been through. You know what you do in. Do not want to expose your bodies, too, but it's also I just feel like there's something so like you can't turn away from the realness of the pursuit of Pentacles. And I like I feel like I really like that. The next card is the Queen of Wands. Queen of Wands is fucking awesome, and I really like her for you because here's the thing about the Queen of wands. She has been through it. Like, her backstory is like, who knows what it is, right? But the idea of her is that she's really been through it. She's been through some tough stuff, and she's lived to tell the tale, and she's not ashamed. She knows that everything she has survived has made her who she is, and she loves herself and she's proud of herself. And so she uses these, you know, these past experiences, these scars, whatever they are, she uses them to show other people like, Look, you can get through stuff. So she's like this weird, weird and wonderful beacon for others. And I feel like this is you queen of wands. You were the queen of wands, OK? So I think that this, you know, if you're going to stay together and work it out. I really think you need to own like your part in it and just love yourself through it. And like that could be that could mean you're looking at aspects of yourself that you're not proud of or you wish weren't there. But if there's a way you can actually flip that script a little bit and be like, you know, every part of me makes me who I am. I did what I did. You know, I'm not, you know, I'm not going to. I'm not going to shrink away or beat myself up. It's like the queen of wants really wants you to own all of your experiences, good and good or bad, and love yourself for it and be proud. So I think that's really important if you're going to stay together is like, you know, know, like you need to just like, own your your participation in it and said that you're not holding any resentments or anything like that. So, yeah, and then your last card and this is a little rough. You've got Saturn, OK, this is a deck that has special cards in it, and one of the cards is the card Saturn. And now Saturn is about like tough limitations, OK? It really is. And it's it's like, it's so interesting is I think Saturn returns every 14 years, doesn't it? So that's kind of interesting that you've been together 14 years and you're having this like crisis right now. Do we stay together or do we not? Saturn is really showing you guys what your limitations are. And so I think that you're going to have to really, you know, in order to stay together, you're going to have to unflinchingly accept like, OK, we have limitations like we are not the I don't know, you know, young swinger couple we thought we were or whatever, you know, like what? This is married life. This is what, you know, a long term relationship with kids looks like, you know, obviously you make changes and you always aim for the best. But Saturn is saying there's also some stuff that you just have to accept, you know? So that's what it looks like to stay together and work it out now to leave. It actually looks quite interesting for you, actually, and I wonder if it wouldn't be good for you just to even leave for a little bit. Listen to me. I'm so like, You have kids. Don't break up. Like, What am I, my mother? I mean, like, I don't know. It's so funny. Like my ideas about about I have, you know, I'll tell you what it is, you guys. I'll be real. My Venus is in Capricorn. OK, that's what it's about. So I'm just kind of like, Don't break up, ever. Why don't you do that? He's going to get into the same old shit with another person out there and just go through that whole same cycle. What would you do that for? But you know, that's my path, not necessarily yours. If you choose to leave, the very first card you have is mercury. Mercury is on your side, which is very interesting. Mercury is the planet of communication. It's a very intellectual. I think you can state a real good case for why you got to go. I think you can definitely state a case for why you have to go, and I think you guys can communicate through it really well. I would say that you might even be able to communicate better outside of this relationship. I think you might be able to communicate better about it and more truthfully and honestly when you're not kind of having to play the wife role when you can be really honest. Your next card, four of swords, the four of swords is about like, you need a break. When this car came up for you, I was like, Oh, this poor person, this has been weighing on you so hard it's weighing on your mind.Swords are the mind with the four of swords. We get a break. You need your mind needs a vacation. It's like you almost. It's almost better for you to leave the relationship so you don't have to frickin process this for so long. And when you are actually exhausted from it, so in a sense, getting out would do that for you, OK? And now the final thing here, the final card you got, it's in other decks. It's called the empress, and in this deck it's called divine feminine. But it is the empress cards. So it's like, you're this leaving is going to help you get back in touch with, like the parts of your feminine self that I don't know, maybe feel a little stomped on. Maybe you need to get like, worked out a little bit and honored and loved, you know, like, like a real hard, athletic love is what you need to give to like the divine feminine within you. And I don't know, maybe there's something about like, you feel like that part of yourself. Now, in relationship to your husband, it feels a little damaged, and maybe it's that kind of like broken that only you can really heal and maybe you need the space to heal that for yourself. That's what I'm seeing here.
Michelle Tea: It's not the reading I wanted to give it often isn't you guys hear me complain about that all the time, but I wish you so much luck. And again, you're the queen of swords. Whether you stay or go, you are the queen of swords. OK, so, so keep that. Keep that strength with you. All right. I saw somebody poke their little heads up and be like, What's going on in here? She even cards. I am reading cards. If you'd like your cards, matches just raise your hands. I'm alternating between calling on folks who are here in the room and also reading questions that were sent to me on Instagram @michelleteaz with a Z on Instagram. You can do that, too. Let's see who's here.
Michelle Tea: I see people are also kind of like freaking out because, yeah, Cam Jordan and Cam Jordan from the New Orleans Saints. Jasmine, I love that you're from New Orleans. What's really also weird is all I've been doing is dreaming that I'm in New Orleans. Like for like the past two weeks, it's been wild. So it's such a special place. It's such an important place in this country and in the world. And yeah, so he's on the Saints is going to be here. I'm going to play cards for him, so I'm just going to kind of look for him to pop up. Meanwhile, let's see who's already popped up, Bronte. Can I help you with a tarotreading right now? Bronte, you have to unmute yourself. See if that helps.
Querent: And you can you hear me?
Michelle Tea: Oh, gosh, hold on, hold on. This is me, this is my this is on me. My phone's turned down. Oh my God. Yeah, now I hear you. I hear that loud. Hi, how can I help you?
Querent: Well, so I live in New York City, but I've been toying with the idea of moving back to Australia because it's hard being away from my family in this age of COVID. So I was just wanting to see what the Tarot thought about that.
Michelle Tea: OK. All right. So I'm going to pick some cards for you. First, I want to shuffle what does it look like if you stay in New York because you're already there? So we'll just see what does it look like if you stay there? I mean, I don't have to tell you that it's the number one best city in the whole world. I offer them my iPhone. I'm like, I need to go to Paris. Look, I don't know who I think I am. They'll be like, I need to go to Paris. And then I'm like, Oh, actually, you seem to go to New York. New York is the greatest, but that doesn't mean it's the greatest place for you or really for anyone to live all the time.
Michelle Tea: So let's pick three cards, though, about staying in the best city in the world. And now let's pick three cards about returning to your homeland of Australia to be closer to your family.It's hard to be away from people, and I really feel it in my hearts, from folks from Australia and New Zealand, because it is just another level of distance to be to have your folks over there. It's like it is quite far. So, yeah, and especially with everything that's happened with COVID, it's like really shaking up our thoughts about, you know, life, family closeness, timestamps, everything. Let's see. What does it look like for you to go back? All right. So for staying in New York, you have the Ace of Swords, two of what you have just which is called change. And I'm reading with the top deck and 10 of swords ruin. It's like you could try to make a go of it, but like your heart is not there. Part is not there. Oh, but it is also hard for you to move. You really are torn. You really torn.
Querent: Yes, I am.
Michelle Tea: You are. You're so torn. I have to tell you, I think moving back is better for you. So, OK, so for saying you have again, the ace ofswords, the two of Just Change and the ten of Swords ruin for going back to Australia. You have the four of Swords Truce, the princess of discs and then you have a hard heart. Also the seven of discs failure. But I'll tell you something I would take the seven of discs over the ten of swords any day. OK, so what it looks like to me, the story of staying is like the ace of swords. There's like there's like you like setting your intention, right? I'm going to I'm going to be here and it's going to be fine and it's going to be great and I'm going to do it, you know, then you have the two of desk, which is like, whatever changes you have to implement, either in your heart or in your mind or in your life to kind of get with this kind of new program, this kind of recommitment to being there. And then the ten of swords are saying, Guess what? It doesn't work. It just it just doesn't work like whatever is painting you. Whatever feels wrong about being so far, it's not going to go away. And with the 10, I would say, would even possibly worsen. However, going back, you have the 10 of. I'm sorry, the four of swords. Truth is a beautiful card. It's like really the opposite of the ruined card. It's all about peace of mind. It's like your mind is at peace. And it's beyond just like an absence of it's beyond an absence of clamor in your mind. It really is about like a joyful mind, because the astrologically it's Jupiter, it's Jupiter and Libra. So it's about like, Oh, I think it can actually be like if and when you actually like, you know, committed to going back, I think that you would end up getting very inspired, you know, being like, Oh, actually, there's all these other great reasons to be there to Princess of Disks is like, if you go back there, I feel like you're going to have some sort of a project or something. It's like the princess of disks has been through through a big tangle of woods. So it's an idea that she's a person who's been through a little bit of a struggle lately. I mean, I would say, you're probably just living in New York. That's enough, but really she's been you've been through something and now she's pregnant. So it's this idea that, you know, the hard times have has created a sort of fertility. She's like fertile. She's like ready to create and something new and ready to be new. So I really like that. The seven discs. Here's the thing with the seven of discs, it's it's really a fear card. When the seven of discs happens, it usually happens in a moment of like, there's like things aren't that exciting or there's a pause of sorts. I mean, like, I don't know if you're worried you're going to be bored or something like that, but what happens in that pause? Fears come in and you're like, Oh God, what if this is a bad idea? You know, like what if? What if this and what if that? So it really is more of a fear card? Is there any is there anything that you're worried about with moving to Australia?
Querent: Well, I am going through a transition in my career as well. Like, I don't really know what I'm going to do when I go back there. Like, I have some idea. But I guess part of me is scared that I'm just going to go back into how I was before, like with my because I might end up living with my dad or whatever when I start living there. So it's like I don't want to go back into those patterns and know.
Michelle Tea: OK. The whole time you were talking, I was picking cards around this, and it looks like your your fear is well founded, like it looks like you are going to have a struggle in exactly those areas. OK? And it looks like you're going to struggle with it until you really bottom out with it. And that bottoming out with it is actually amazing. Everything's going to change for you after that point. I could see you in a whole new career. Whatever happens to you after that, you've got the you've got the high priestess. It's it's you being it's like, it's like you've gotten closer to your own spirit and like what you're really supposed to be doing here. So on the one hand, it looks like a rough road, but it also looks like it's a road you're supposed to be on for some reason, and it's going to help you get closer to what it is that you really want to be doing. Does that make sense?
Querent: Absolutely. Thank you so much.
Michelle Tea: I really think that I'm sorry for that. That is a tough aspect of it, for sure. But just know that like just when you're like, I literally can't take this anymore, you won't have to. Yeah, it's something it's all going to shift around. It's all. So be ready to let go of. Be ready to let go of things.
Michelle Tea: OK. Yeah.
Querent: But that's the hardest part of this because I do love my life in New York. So, you know.
Michelle Tea: yeah, it looks like a really big change. I just pulled the High Priest just for you again. Yeah, just this is a powerful move for you. It is getting you. It is something you're supposed to do, is what it looks like.
Querent: Thank you so much.
Michelle Tea: You're very welcome. Good luck with the night. OK, hold on, I just want to see what's going on and check in.
Michelle Tea: Oh, wow, we have so many people lined up here to get their tarot cards read, including Cam Jordan, Oh my god. OK, everybody freak out and do a little dance in your seats right now. Hi, Cam you're on Ask the Tarot.
Querent: Awesome. I'm on. I'm on your fine. Hi, how are you doing today?
Michelle Tea: I'm great. How are you doing?
Querent: You know, I'm blessed. I I'm back at work after after taking like a whole week off from COVID. And so after getting out of COVID protocol finally being negative?
Michelle Tea: Yes, I'm so happy for you. I was reading about that like the first time you ever missed a game in, like 11 years or something.
Querent: I mean, I would say the last time I missed the game, I was a sophomore in college.
Michelle Tea: Oh my God, that doesn't count, man.
Querent: I mean, you know, so 19 to 32 is not a bad run.
Michelle Tea: No, not at all. I'm so glad that you're well, and that leg doesn't sound like it was too hard on your system getting sick.
Querent: In fact, some would say, I never knew I was sick. Yeah, I was fully asymptomatic.
Michelle Tea: Okay, that's so awesome. I'm so glad for you. Thank you so much for coming on the show. You got a lot of fans out here. People are freaking out. You got a lot of leg folks from New Orleans, people who live in New York, New Orleans. So yeah, people are happy that you're here.
Querent: Hey, look, you know who dat nation is the probably the greatest fan base in the world. I mean, you know, I mean is it's not like any other fan bases. These people have been, you know, been fans of the Saints since the 60s, when was sixty seven, when they first had a game in Tulane. Like, This is a legacy, regional vibe for the Saints.
Michelle Tea: Oh, I love that. I love that so much. Yeah. Oh my god. I don't know if you can see the the the comments section, but there's a lot of Florida leagues. There's a lot of fire. That's awesome. Well, you know, have you have you ever had your tarot cards read before?
Querent: I've had one reading before. I mean, you know me, New Orleans. Yeah, you see a lot of it. You know, I don't know if I'm intrigued to know about the future. I'm more worried about today than I am tomorrow.
Michelle Tea: I feel that, you know, and a lot of people, myself included, use tarot. Not so much to like. Tell your future, but really to get clear about what is happening right now. Like, I always tell people, a good tarot reading is really just like a good therapy session. A lot of times it's stuff you already know, but you come out of it just like with more confidence and more clarity and just maybe more of a sense of peace about stuff.
Querent: I mean, at that note, I'm always at peace with myself because I just feel like that's how blessed I've been. But I'll take it. I'll take any and all blessed detonations, and it may help create more positivity of the day.
Michelle Tea: Yeah, right on. I mean, is there is there anything? Do you feel like you're at a crossroads in any areas of your life right now? Do you feel like you need to make a decision that you don't quite know which direction you're going in? And those are those are great ways to use the tarot? If not, you know, I can always I can always pick some cards for you and just see like what the vibe is.
Querent: Cards with no direction sounds even more scary to me, right?
Michelle Tea: Right. Look, I was going to use that. I would use this really sweet oracle deck that I work with because it just better suited for just an open ended like, what's the vibe?
Querent: Yeah, we can target this. I mean, we can we can go everything from, you know, should I have another kid? I've got four already. Probably not. I've had three girls. I wanted two boys in there. No, but you know, so maybe four is just a perfect number for me. I would go, I would go as far as to say, Make this off season. Let's just move forward to the offseason. You know, let's just assume the Saints win a Super Bowl and go beyond that. I don't want to know. I don't want to know the playoff future or the OR if we let the Super Bowl. But beyond that, the first place that I go, I need to know, like, you know, we're thinking about going overseas and staying somewhere overseas for a couple of weeks. Is that a good idea or not? And then what I said is I can tell you exactly where or even up to you, OK?
Michelle Tea: You know, I mean, you don't have to chance up to you if you tell me where I know, but that's that's really great. Yeah, let's see. Like, what does it look like for you guys to pursue this idea of going overseas exactly to, you know, the place that you're thinking of going, I am with you of like not picking cards on like, are we going to get the Super Bowl? We're going to win, you know, like I don't pick cards on big things in my own life, either. You just want to live it out. Sometimes you know they're better for when you don't know what you're doing, but when you know what you want, I just go for it, you know?
Querent: Absolutely.
Michelle Tea: Yeah, let's see what this trip looks like. That sounds so fun. So be. Would it be you and your partner and your kids all going together a family trip?
Querent: Oh yeah, yeah, of course. I mean, it's it's you. I could tell you where. I mean, I'm big in Spain. Like, you know, I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to learn a little bit of Spanish this off season. I'm trying to. I'm trying to better myself mentally to prepare myself physically. You know, the coming year, but I just feel like, you know, being in Spain, you could you could probably pick up the language a little bit faster. Plus, I love traveling, and it's been about two years since we've all been in Kobe. But you know, this COVID shutdown seriously. And it's my family. My family is like, Look, we need, we need to see the world. Five.
Michelle Tea: Let's do it. Oh, I love it. I'm going to Spain for my honeymoon in March. And guess what? You're going to Spain on your off season because this tarot cards look beautiful for it. I picked three cards from this particular jack I work with. It's called the top deck. The first card you got is the two of disks and it's a great card. It's really funny. It's it's the planet Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn. And so what that means is Jupiter is the planet in astrology. We say that Jupiter brings gifts. It's the party planet. It's like, Let's go, let's have fun more and more and more. And it rules travel, OK? But what's funny is Capricorn is like very like all work and no play. So there's a little bit of like it's like a stuffy, a stuffy business person. Suddenly being thrown into a rave is a little bit of the vibe of it. And what I think it is is that it's just like everything you're saying. You guys haven't traveled and it's going to be almost like a shock to your collective system to suddenly be so free, you know, and be in such a completely different environment and another country. The next card that you have is the knight of Cups, and this is like a truly romantic card. OK? He is like the shiver, the kind of classic chivalrous knight he's like, has these beautiful wings like an angel. He's on a white horse. He's leaping up with like a cup in his hand and the cup is containing a crab. And it's referring to the astrological sign of cancer, and cancer is the sign of family. So it's really interesting. It's a real magic card and it's a love card, but it's also about like the kind of romance and love that leads to like family. So it's so beautiful that you're getting it while you're going away, like with your whole family and like, it's really a beautiful, you know, the Knight of Cups is making an offering of love, and it's like this vacation is like an offering of love that you're all making to each other, that you're going to spend this time together and have this adventure together. And my really favorite card that you've got in this call is your final card, and it's called the Fool. And it's the first card in the Tarot. And it's I think it's the best card in the tarot and it is the card of adventure. It's this guy who's jumping off a cliff with a smile on his face. He doesn't quite know where he lands, but he trusts that it's going to be great because like you trust the universe, he trusts his blessings. He's just like having a great time and it's about newness. It's about springtime, and just like jumping into like the rebirth of the world. So I feel like there's something really sort of like rebirth about this trip. For you guys, it is going to be such a breath of fresh air. It's going to be awesome.
Querent: Love it or I'm loving it. As long as there's no bad juju connected to it, love it. Even better.
Michelle Tea: There's no bad juju connected to it. Absolutely not. No, no. That's so rad. I'm so happy for you. Do you know what part of the country you're going to go to?
Querent: I haven't figured that part out yet. It's literally going to be like coming to America. What has been it's been the globe and figure it out.
Michelle Tea: Yes, I love that. Oh my God. That's always been my dream. That's really cool. Do you want me to pull some cards on? What does it look like if you guys go for another kid versus what have you guys say? OK, we're good. We're going to stop.
Querent: Oh yeah, I think I think we're done with that. Look, I'm okay. Cool. I've got three. I got three beautiful girls. I have one awesome sign. I wanted two boys. But emotionally speaking, I don't know if I had. I don't know if I can afford to have another girl. I'm drained. I've got a I've got a five year old, a three year old and about to be a one year old. And that's a lot of love, like boys. Like, you know, I had my boy first, so he's the oldest boy. Don't need this kind of love. Boys, like, you know, dap, but you give them a hug every now and again and they like on their business. Girls need like constant reassurance. They need love. They're like sunflowers. Like they just like being the brightest when you give them enough affection and buy and they don't have any more love for myself, you know, I'm just like, I'm like, Oh my God, I give it all out. I have nothing left to give. And then, of course, the wife needs love, too, so you have to show her some sort of love. I mean, you know, I'm at wit's end. I couldn't have another kid.
Michelle Tea: I mean, you look like, you know, I really thinking that that night of the night of card that came up for you is you like you seem like you're a real love machine. But yeah, even a love machine has its limits. This way, it's easier to travel. It's it's just a little bit easier to travel, isn't it? Which is known as kid.
Querent: It's Hey, look, I get a rose. She gets a own. We hold down to a piece. Yeah, it's perfect right now.
Michelle Tea: Oh my god. Totally. Wow, Cam. Well, thank you so much for coming in and hanging out with us for a minute. That's amazing.
Querent: Absolutely, absolutely. I think I think I have one more question. I mean, you know. I mean, if we're if we're just going to. Do this, you know, like let's just let's just say like, I'm still thinking about playing 15 years of football, so, you know, another 40 seasons after that. Are we thinking that's a great sign or do you miss the regular sign? Should we go six more years? Like, you know, like what is what will be cut off? Should I just go to Tom Brady and play John, 40, for like,
Michelle Tea: OK, I have to be really honest with you. I don't know nothing about football. So tell me what are the what? So what are the like demarcations that you're thinking you would go to? Did you say six more years, 15 more years? And then what
Querent: if I'm still playing 15 more years? Honestly, a lot of things got to go wrong for that to happen. Oh gosh, no. I mean, like, another five is like, let's just fill out the five year benchmark five years.
Michelle Tea: OK, so what does it look like?
Querent: I need to be healthy.
Michelle Tea: Yeah, you do. Yeah, absolutely. So what does it look like for you to still be playing in five years? If that's if you intent towards that and do that, what would that look like and shuffle the cards?
Querent: Do I get my Bruce Smith on and just got another nine? You know, who knows? Bruce is another
Michelle Tea: I want to do some compare and contrast here. OK, so like, what's the so, so so eight is another another potential. Is that what you're saying? I mean,
Querent: I think five, five or six would be zero would be okay.
Michelle Tea: Let me see. Let me see. Six, OK, if I take five. What is it look like if you go to six? Oh my gosh. So here's the thing in five years you're going to be on fire. You got some big fire cards and it's really funny. You've got this little. The first little card that came up is this it's called disappointment. It's the five of cups. And it's like, and then you've got two really like flaming hot Cheetos cards, like they're just, you got the ace of wands and you got this card that's actually it's called lost. And it means lust for life. It means just living in this physical body to the fullest on this life on Earth. And so the way I'm reading that is that if you stopped in five years, you'd be a little disappointed. You're still going to feel like you're roaring and ready to go. And this is your vacation. This is so much of your purpose and you're you're able to do it if you push it to six, it actually looks really good. The first card you have, you got another ace, you have the ace of Swords, which is interesting. So if the five year mark, you got all the energy right, you got all the energy, what you're thinking about your health and stuff, you're going to be good. The six year mark, you need to have a little strategy like really like you might have to like, bump up the, you know, the self-care and stuff to be able to do it. But then you've got the queen of disks and she is like the queen of the Earth signs. So when when you get a big earth sign like that, it's like, yes, like this is your career. And she is at the pinnacle of her career. This is a card that means being at the pinnacle of your career and having everything. So I'm thinking, like, Yeah, this six year is going to be, you will be playing in your six year and it's going to be awesome. Your final card that came up is that knight of cups again. And now I'm starting to really see that that night of cups. This happens in tarot readings. A lot of card will start to represent, like the person whose cards I'm reading and I'm seeing that with you, the knight of Cups is representing you.
Michelle Tea: And so, yeah, I think you're supposed to definitely go to six years. Do you want to try for seven or you're like, No six is good.
Michelle Tea: Oh, no, we're blessed. We're we're big, blessed. As long as it is five years from now is big energy.
Michelle Tea: We have it's big energy. You've got a little disappointment card here. So like, I'm reading that as you know, like if you were to stop and have that be your last year, that would be a little disappointing to you. But you know, if something happens that year that you feel like you were expecting something to happen and it doesn't, it's going to be OK. Like you're going to super duper duper overcome whatever that is, just just to throw that out there. But whatever it is, is really minor compared to the like ferocity of energy you have that year. So I think that that disappointment card is really just more about like you, you'll be bummed if you leave, you know, you want to leave what? You're still having fun, but you got a little more fun in you and you're going to know it. You're going to feel it.
Querent: Love it. Like so I can. I can work with that. I like if I'm Big Energy five years from now, we're good. We're great place.
Michelle Tea: I've got to ask you. I don't know if you believe in astrology or how you feel about it, but I'm going to ask you what your astrology sign is.
Querent: I don't know how to answer that. I'm I'm I'm technically a cancer, but I feel like there's more astrology signs and just being a cancer
Michelle Tea: is more than just your sun. But oh my god, cam that card that I'm like, This card represents you. It's the cancer card. It is. You're the knight of cups. It's so good. Yeah, there is. You know, you can get so deep into it. You can see like, what sign is your is your moon? And and that will speak a little bit to your emotional landscape. What sign I really understood what sign your Mars is in as a football player, you probably work with your Mars a lot and your mercury, which is about strategy.
Querent: I'm here for the party. I'm here for the Jupiter rays get Jupiter situation, though I don't know if Mars has to do with me.
Michelle Tea: Well, in an astrology chart. We all have all of these planets and they're all in a different sign and it's unique to us. It's unique to the moment we were born and the place we were born. So, so you have Jupiter in your chart, and if you looked into it, you could see like what sign it said. And it kind of tells like what what style Jupiter is acting in within your within your chart, like Jupiter always throws a party, but you can see I was at a costume party. Is it a quinceanera? Is it, you know, kind of. A party is a birthday party, an office party.
Querent: So I think I'm good with either one. As long as it's a party, we all go,
Michelle Tea: Yeah, totally.
Querent: I can. I can cope with business party kids in here. I can let go with a birthday party over. Party, as long as it's not a party in and is a music guy, and that means we doing the right thing. I love after a game when we get a good win, then we have a winning party and now we're really talking.
Michelle Tea: That's so great. Oh my gosh. So I got to ask you, So are you born and raised in New Orleans and you get to play for your home team?
Querent: No, no. I'm OK. I'm raised in Arizona, born via Minnesota. Oh, right. That's when I was like, I was not. I'm not a Minnesotan. I'm in Arizona and I'm a Phoenician. Oh, right on. You know?
Michelle Tea: Yeah, yeah, they do. I'm a Estonian, but I love Arizona. I used to live in Tucson. I just I just love Arizona. I think it's a magical place.
Querent: We're from Nogales.
Michelle Tea: I'm actually from Massachusetts, but I've moved around a lot. New Orleans is one of my favorite places in the world, so I was really excited to learn that you were going to come on. I was like, Oh my God, not the Saints. I barely care about football, but I care a lot about the Saints because I care a lot about New Orleans.
Querent: I love it. I mean, New Orleans is such an infectious place like you once you once you get here, the people, the vibes, the food, the vibes, the atmosphere, the vibes. I mean, but the tradition is, is a part of the vibe. I mean, everything that New Orleans is, I mean, you can't go wrong with with visiting New Orleans, everything. Every time, like somebody visits like, man, I feel like I don't want to leave. But it's a lot like Vegas. Like after after weekend, a week or so, you got to get out. You got to put on 20 pounds at first. You know, the first part is
Michelle Tea: it's like, Oh my God, how much more crawfish I took there? Can I eat? No doubt I've got to keep moving.
Querent: The crab beignets like people are like, Oh, is awesome. Like, but had you had crab beignets like
Michelle Tea: gosh, oh my gosh, that's incredible. Wow. Where to get a crab beignets?
Querent: Exactly. I've had crab beignets and multiple places. I think my favorite crab is probably at revolutions. Okay. When I tell you these, these things that change your life special,
Michelle Tea: I believe it. I believe it. I was in New Orleans in May. I took my fiancee there for his birthday and we literally went to Cafe du Monde every single day and got a plate of beignets, as you know.
Querent: But you can't get the look the crab beignets. You got to go gumbo, you got to go the crawfish. The SFA is fine, but I'm here for I'm here for for the seafood gumbo, with the crab legs sticking out the pot like I need. I love it. I mean, you talk about just the red fish as long as it can, you can. You can currently to tarot cards, tell me where the best place is enormous for you. So many are
Michelle Tea: torn between a couple of restaurants. I could pull some cards, but although sometimes the chair does get a little mad at you, when you do that, they're like, Come on, use me for something real. This is real.
Querent: Food is happiness!
Michelle Tea: Is happiness! I agree with you.
Querent: I'm just, you know, it's fine. You don't want to tell me what the best restaurant is, that's fine.
Michelle Tea: Have you ever had any like haunting experiences in New Orleans? I know. You know, when I was there, it was crawling with like people doing ghost tours and that kind of stuff. And you know, I know that like probably some of the it's a little hokey, but I just feel you can feel the energy in that town that that there's some there's there's a lot of spirit there.
Querent: There is, and I don't I don't I don't mess with spirits. Oh, yeah, yeah. You know, when it comes, when it comes down to it, New Orleans is such a rich and history place, so rich a decent place. I feel like I know that their spirits that could possibly be around and I'm not, you know, I'm not here to rattle any spirits. I feel like I have to live here. You know, like if I was just visiting for a day or a weekend, I might I might go on one of these tours saying that I I've lived here and, you know, for over 11 years now or 12 coming up in twenty twenty two. I don't know what this is at this point, but what we won't do is just go ahead and agitate any spirits. I'm not saying I believe in ghosts. I'm not saying I don't believe in ghosts or do, no, I'm not a ghost buster, so I try not to or take any any other spirits around this.
Michelle Tea: Oh my gosh. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I mean, that makes a lot of sense that you got to live there. You need to learn that like that place that you walk by, like every day, has some sort of gnarly history that you know that now, you know,
Querent: like, oh yeah. And if you look further into this mirror, you can see, Nope, nope, I need in my life. Oh my God, because I don't know if there's actually Ghostbusters going to help me. You know, I just, yeah, I I'm a you know who are going to call. I'm going to be calling you, Michel. Like you said,
Michelle Tea: Oh my God, I would love to be helpful to you at such a moment. I don't know. I don't know if I'm skilled enough, but I would give it. I'd give it my all.
Querent: I'd give it. I appreciate that. Oh, you're you're awesome. Chair cars in America in the spirit. And it goes,
Michelle Tea: I'll just be like a little squirt bottle full of holy water and start, you know? Totally. Wow. Well, gosh, I just it's so cool to have you here, and I really appreciate you being so generous with your time, especially now that you're back to work. What's what's up next for you? Like, when's your next game? Like, what's happening next?
Querent: Game is Sunday night we play Tom Brady K and The Brady. It's live in Tampa. I think so. Sunday night seven. And I mean, we know we got our work cut out for us. You know, these guys, these guys have confidence. They make a little bit of a winning streak. They lead our division right now. So, you know, we've we've got to go ahead and give everything we got just to just to be in the ballpark. We can't have one of these down games. We have our games going to get ugly. We've got to be on all this.
Michelle Tea: Oh, my God. Cam Jordan, you're going to get me to watch football for the first time in my life. I'm like, I'm going to watch. I'm really excited. I'm going to light a little candle for you guys on my altar for the Saints. And yeah, I want you got to win.
Querent: Come on down to Louisiana. You know, they've got some saints, Roman and some Saints candles out here, you know, like, Oh my god, I get the teams player on a candle. Then we get into positive vibes stacked on top positive. But yeah,
Michelle Tea: Have you seen yourself? Have you seen your own face on a candle yet?
Querent: I have, and I've signed one, so I know for sure they're out there. I love that.
Michelle Tea: Oh, that's so cool. That's really great. Oh, look at people are making spells for the game. We'll look what happened. You've activated a whole coven of good vibe witches that are going to just, you know, like shoot an extra energy at you guys on Sunday night. That's so fantastic.
Querent: That sounds like the most normal thing ever. And I'm a I'm I'm going to act like, I don't know what you guys are doing, but I appreciate any positivity that you guys in our way. That's great comic positive vibes and not anything other than that.
Michelle Tea: That's what it is. Positive vibes. One hundred percent. I know I don't even watch football either. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it.
Querent: What they don't watch football come on is the most important America. This is the pinnacle of what it is to watch sports like. You know, you could turn on a baseball game one hundred and eighty something games or you could turn on, you know, the MLS or, you know, women's women's soccer league. But yeah, yeah. But who? The most watched sport in America is football. So come on, join the masses.
Michelle Tea: Well, I mean, I feel like in a way, you know, getting getting to root for the Saints, it's like you getting from New Orleans and I can I can always sign off on that for sure.
Querent: I appreciate that. Yeah. Oh, man, I mean, I appreciate you for. I appreciate you for having me on. I mean, thank you for your time.
Michelle Tea: Yeah, you're so welcome.
Michelle Tea: I'm going to let you go because I can see that folks are like, Oh, it's here. Like, it's my time,
Querent: It's my time. Now, look, let it be known. You can't kick me out. I'm you.
Michelle Tea: Oh my god. Oh my God. All right. Well, I'm going to just get back to picking my cards for folks. But it has been so incredible to have you here and please drop by any time, you know, like, let us know how your trip to Spain was. Anytime you, you know, you want a little bit of advice, I'd be psyched to pull for you again. And it just it was so delightful to meet you.
Querent: Much appreciate it. You have a blessed one. Enjoy. You know, continue playing and getting everybody. These positive vibes. Keep on, keep kicking ass and, you know, to check you out another time. Come check out the Saints come Sunday night is going to be. Yeah, absolutely. Are you have a blessed one
Michelle Tea: You too. Bye, Cam. Oh, my God, you guys, I've never hung out with the professional sports person before in my life, I love Cam. That was really fun and I really want to shout out everybody in the chat who's, like, psyched that he was here. I super appreciate it. Also, you know, as an ex goth, you know, which I also want to shout out everybody who's like, I don't understand what's going on, what happened to my tarot show. And I feel you too, OK. I feel I see both sides OK. So thanks for your patience. Thanks for your enthusiasm. I really I really loved that. I love that so much. He does have his own show, but it's called like Sunday Night Football. L-O-L.
Michelle Tea: OK, we got what, like 15 more minutes and it's going to be all you guys. I'm just going to I'm just going to only draw from from from you guys. I'll do. I'll do my crazy love next week. I am going to be here again next week, OK? So Catherine, you're up. Catherine, can I help you?
Querent: Yes. Hi, Michelle.
Michelle Tea: Hi, how are you?
Querent: I'm great. How are you?
Michelle Tea: I'm good. What can you ask the tarot?
Querent: I just would like to have a little insight into my love life. I feel like it's been really kind of stagnant in that area. And so I just like to see like is either is there any new energy coming out like kind of what can I do to spice up my love life?
Michelle Tea: All right. Let's see. All right. So we're going to look at these cards being like, what is the energy right now in your love sphere? See what it's saying, and I might use another jack to kind of get more directives. Hmm. It looks like there's a little block in your love sphere. Yeah, I'm sorry. Here's a it's almost like, were you at some point? Were you like kind of deliberately taking a break or pressing pause on love?
Querent: Yeah. I just like I went back to grad school this semester, so I really wanted to focus on school this semester and kind of get that going. And so, yeah, I'm kind of wondering if that will be like a good time to re-energize my love life or, you know, like just keep focusing on school.
Michelle Tea: OK, that makes that makes so much sense because your first part here is the ace of Swords, and it's quickly followed by the night of discs. And then I have disc just like he's, you know, he's pressing pause. He's really not doing anything. And then the card following that is the five of wands, which is rough. So I'm like, Oh, it almost looks like the vibe I was getting is like, you for some reason, sort of like pulled back your sort of romantic energy, and now it's a little girl scrambled. It just needs to get kind of shaken out and air now. And I think definitely. But you see, I'm going to say, what can you do? I'm asking my little vessel, Oracle, what can you do to to kind of re-energize and purify and shake the cobwebs out of the love sphere that got put on hold, which was which made a lot of sense. I mean, you know, the ace of Swords is like, Hey, I got to focus. This is a new thing we're doing here, and I really have to focus, Oh, this is really funny. OK, so you've got three cards from that or from the the vessel Oracle. As far as like how to now actually proceed, your first card is rest. Is that cute? It's like. So first of all, don't freak out. You know, like, this is not a big deal like like you can go slow, like you can like, you don't need to sound the alarms like, you know, I'm almost thinking that, you know, a slow reemergence into romance anyway might be what's good for you. But then the next card you have is communication. And then the final card is fire. So it's like, Oh, this is actually really interesting. I think that maybe like, have you started putting like the communication card is interesting. Like, do do your people know that like, you're going to be looking for love? Have you?
Querent: Yes. Yeah, I have told my friends like, I would like to start dating again. So they know.
Michelle Tea: OK, OK, good. Is there anyone you have your eye on?
Querent: I'm kind of like a little bit, but I'm not sure. Like what the vibe is there.
Michelle Tea: Sure. Well, you know, again, with that red card, it's like you can just kind of like again, move slowly towards it. But at some point, I think it might be on you to reach out and be like, Hey, what's the vibe? You know, because I'm interested, like the communication card. It might be on you a little bit to start that fire and then you get the fire card. It's really funny because like the fire party has all these matches in flames and then I think fire and I think Tinder and I think, are you on the app? So that's something that you're interested in doing.
Querent: I'm not on the apps, but I am open to it.
Michelle Tea: Yeah, OK, cool. I mean, let me see what that looks like actually looks really good for you to do that. Three of wands, virtue, sun and areas that that actually could be very cool. I mean, I always feel like a little bit of a goofball being like, Are you going on an app? But I didn't see my fiancee on Tinder. So I got to say I know it can happen sometimes. Yeah, you never know. April I'm sorry, Bumble, did you dirty? There's no end to terrible stories about internet dating. I'm not pretending that it's a gold mine, but it's just one. It's one option, right? It's one option that we have in our day and age. But yeah, it looks like it's yeah, it looks like it's it. I'm seeing like your romantic sphere. Is this like beautiful, like embroidered, like antique handkerchief or something so dainty and lovely, and it got all balled up and thrown at the bottom of the purse. Other things were happening. You know you didn't need the hankie. It's fine. But now you're like, Oh, I love that hankie, but it's like really wrinkled and like needs to get washed. It is get ironed and you need to like spray some lavender mist on it. You know, that's what you got to do to like. So like, you're your romantic spear.
Querent: OK, well, thank you so much.
Michelle Tea: Youre're welcome, I wish you so much luck.
Querent: Thank you. Have a good night. Super bye.
Michelle Tea: OK, I'll see your sister met her fiancee on Tinder Brunch. I see that, OK, see, it's not just it's just it's not just me. I mean, listen, also I meant, like so many like losers, but you know, we don't need to talk about that. That's that's a given, right? OK, let me see who else we get up here. Susan, I'm here to pick cards for you. Hello. You have to unmute yourself.
Querent: Hi. Sorry. Hello. Hi. I actually also would like to know what's happening with my love life and about. I kind of someone in special in mind that I'm thinking about whether or not I should pursue it or pursue something new. OK.
Michelle Tea: All right, that's good. So first thing in the park, what does it look like if you put your energy and intentions towards this person and go towards them with your with romantic vibes? So we'll get a few cards to say, you know, see what that looks like and your bank cards, your cards are unfair. There's they're springing out of my hands. OK, so I'm going to pick three cards for that. And then three cards for looking for someone new. Yeah, that's what you were just saying.
Querent: Yes, and and a specific person in mind.
Michelle Tea: Oh, OK, that's good to know, so it's not just like, Oh, I'm going to walk away and be open to what the universe brings my way. It's more like, should I switch my focus from this person to this other person? What does that look like if you do that? If you're like, OK, actually, I'm heading over there now, what does it look like as they find a little shuffle? I'm OK. All right, so what does it look like if you stay with this person, huh? And then I'm going to compare and contrast, compare and contrast. Oh, wow. OK, Susan, this other person that you're thinking about, about pursuing, that's the person.
Querent: The person that I'm wondering whether or not I should pursue her or not, you're saying that that is the person, wow.
Michelle Tea: Yeah, the person that you're currently already having a thing with. Yeah, that looks really murky. That looks that looks like it's does it have a sort of like, where is this going? Like hot, cold vibe?
Querent: Yes, it's kind of. Yeah, it's very like a light situation right now, OK,
Michelle Tea: because you have the Moon card. So it's like the Moon is so you don't want that for romance, you know, you're just sort of like, I don't understand. You know, when the when the when the Moon card comes up, you're kind of like the lights are out. So you kind of don't really know what's going on. But then you also have the night of cuts, which is very romantic. So it's like mixed a little mixed messages. And then you have the hermit card. And I always always see the hermit card as being in a love relationship as being like a big no because it's really about being alone. I mean, the hermit card is wonderful and it has its place in our lives even and within relationships, but in a in a romance question. Yeah, no. But listen, this other person that you have your eye on the cards for them adjustments. The magician and the emperor are three major arcana cards. The adjustment card is like, really interesting that it starts with that. Is there something awkward about approaching this person?
Querent: Oh, I'm sorry. I think I kind of confuse that question. I had my eye on some wine and that or I'd asked, or if I should just move on and pursue something new with like meaning like a brand new person.
Michelle Tea: Oh, OK. Well, anyway, yes, you should. You should move on and pursue something with the brand new person. Yeah. Because the cards for like, should I stay with this person, which is option one?
Querent: Yes.
Michelle Tea: Those were the cards that are just like, they're murky and they're a little hot and cold, like there's definitely something there. But it does. It also is just sort of like it's just it's murky and cloudy and leaves you ultimately more alone than feeling more alone than partner is the sort of way that I would would word it. But the other option, whether that is opening yourself up, you know, I did think you were talking about going towards another person, but it's OK because you knew what you were talking about. So yeah, and that's all that matters. So the cards for that again, it's adjustment magician and the emperor. So in that way, the read on it is that adjustment card just means it might feel a little awkward for you to like, end it with this person and suddenly be on the dating scene again, like it might take a little getting adjusted to. But then you get the magician, which is about like full on magic and the emperor, which is like, Do you date men?
Querent: Yes.
Michelle Tea: Masculine people. OK, cool. The emperor is like, yeah, like the magician and the emperor for like a dating question for somebody who who dates masculine, folks, it's like, Yeah, you definitely. There's somebody else out there, and it looks like it just looks a lot more inspiring and maybe passionate.
Querent: OK. Yeah. OK, thank you so much.
Michelle Tea: Now you're welcome. Yeah. I don't you didn't give me any information and nor did I ask and never I never do about, like then what it's like with the person that you're dating right now, but it just looks like it. Never. It's not going to hit the it's not going to hit the peaks that you're able to hit as a romantic person. If that makes sense. They're capable of actually hitting some romantic highs. And I don't know that this person is going to bring that. You know, he might not have it in him. OK. Yeah. You're very welcome. Good luck. OK, bye bye.
Michelle Tea: Oh my God, you guys are trawling the room. I saw the troll, the trolls, the trolls want to distract and they do. They do distract. If somebody can please get rid of the troll, I don't really know how to do. I know how to do it. I'm going to see if I know how to do it. Maybe it's already been done for me. Oh yeah, there they are, banned from the room. Yes, I do. I want to ban them from the room. OK, they're done. They're gone. OK, cool. I'm really glad I did that. Oh boy.
Michelle Tea: You know it's so interesting because honestly, I really don't care if anyone believes in tarot at all. Like, you know, I really, really don't like, I don't understand how it works. I mean, after doing it for decades, I know that it does. And I love it, but I just can't. There's so many things that I don't like, and I can't imagine seeking it out to harass people. You know what I mean? Like, I'm going to go to a football game and just be like, Why are you watching football? This is stupid. People are getting concussions. Like, Why would I do that? Let go go. You know, live your life, have your joy. You know, I look at, I'm going to watch football. Maybe that person would actually have enjoyed tomorrow if they shut up and listen for a minute, or maybe not. OK, we got a few more minutes here. I want to. I want to read some more cards. This has been an interesting night. Kat, you're up next. Hello, Kat. Kate, you are muted.
Querent: Hi, Michelle, how are you?
Michelle Tea: I'm good, how are you?
Querent: Good. I love your show. Thank you for calling on me.
Michelle Tea: Oh, thanks for being here.
Querent: So my question is, I want to my husband now you're looking to expand our family. Uh-Huh. How that looks in the future.
Michelle Tea: Can I interrupt you for a minute, Kat? I'm seeing people commenting that your voice is very low, and that's my experience, too. Is there a way you can be a little louder? I'm sorry. Is this better? It might be. Yeah, OK, I apologize. That's OK. That's OK. So you and your partner are looking to expand your family?
Querent: Yeah. And I was just wondering how that looked in the future.
Michelle Tea: All right, cool. Let's see. What is it look like for you guys to go?
Querent: I'm so excited. You called on me.
Michelle Tea: Oh, that's very sweet. Well, thank you for your patience. I know, you know, just hanging out there and seeing if you get a call. I usually don't get to everybody and I won't tonight either. Be happy I got to you too. Oh, thank you. Yeah, let me see. So expanding the family ties, you guys, do you guys have children right now?
Querent: Yep, we have a son, he's four.
Michelle Tea: Oh, all right. And one more shuffle. What is it look like to bring bring another in? All right. It looks like, yeah, it would be great for you guys. Actually, it looks like there is like it looks like there might be a little problem, but you can get over it. I don't know if you're anticipating any sort of problems or like it being hard to get pregnant or anything like that. Let me tell you the cards that are here. The first card is the nine of cups. It's happiness. It's just like, so beautiful, right? It's like Jupiter in Pisces. It's lovely. And then the next card is a major arcana, and it's the art card. And this is like, this is a baby making card because it's about like two things coming together and creating a whole new third. OK. And you know, it's about creativity and alchemy, and it's a really, really great card for baby making. And then you have the five of wands, which is called strength. So then there's just a little like, you know, a little kink in the plan. The nature of this is the way that it's a problem. It's Saturn and Leo. So Leo is just kind of trotting along being like, everything's great and wonderful, fabulous, fabulous. And then Saturn is like, Actually, you have limitations. There are rules, there are conditions. There are, you know, there is structure that, you know, it's not a free for all. And Leo was like, Oh, but I really thought it was. And so then Leo has all this energy and they don't really know where to put it. So, so this is interesting. So, you know, it's like it is you guys as truth to expand your family and it looks great for you. But it just looks like there's something there's there's like a glitch in the plan somehow, and I feel that, you know, it's a five. It's a minor arcana. It's weaker than that big, beautiful baby making art card. So I feel like you'll get through it. But I wouldn't be surprised if here if it just like takes longer than you thought or you're just some things, you know, annoying things crop up and you're like, Oh, this actually is not a good time to try, and I thought it would be in. It's not things like that. Does that make sense?
Querent: Yes, it does. It does.
Michelle Tea: Okay. Yeah, yeah. It's like it's like there's things in the way, but you can get passed to them. The things that are in the way are not as large as the happiness. And I would even say, like the destiny that's before you guys of like, yes, you will expand your family. It's just like what you guys are going to do.
Querent: Through IVF fertility treatments right now. So that might be OK.
Michelle Tea: I'm sorry, you're still a little quiet, so I missed the last bit. What did you say?
Querent: We're going through IVF fertility treatments, so.
Michelle Tea: Oh, OK. Oh man. Yeah, yeah. When you when you bring that in. OK, well, there you go. Everyone gets the frickin five of wands when they're going through fertility treatments. Oh my gosh. So yeah, you know, just stay strong, stay strong. You know, it's an up and down. So, yeah.
Querent: Well, thank you so much, Michelle, and thank you so much for calling on me.
Michelle Tea: You're very, very welcome. Thanks for being here. OK, OK, you guys. Here's what I want to say. I feel like we got we got a lot of new people in the room today. The, you know, the football player, the famous football player brought some new vibes in here. Welcome. If this is your first time in this room, it's called Ask the Tarot and it's a tarot room. I will read your tarot cards. You can listen to me. Read other tarot, other people's tarot cards. You can. You can DM me on Instagram at @michelleteaz and you can ask me, you can type me your question and I'll read it. If this is an interesting show to you, you can go onto Spotify. Go look for Your Magic, search Your Magic. That's my other podcasts, my podcast. And you can find back episodes of Ask the Tarot so you can listen to everything that you missed, all the other problems that that you didn't get to hear about, and all my other explanations of the tarot. Welcome, Evelyn. I see that you're new here. Welcome to all the new folks. We love new people coming here. We're here every Thursday, Six O'Clock Pacific, 9:00 Eastern. And again, you know you can you can always listen to back episodes on Spotify. Just search for your magic. And yeah, good times. So I really appreciate everybody rolling with the slightly different format of tonight. We'll be back next week, back to normal. I'm going to get right back into these wild relationship questions that I've got all all piled up here. We're going to help these people and maybe I will help you as well. Thanks again for being here, and I hope you guys have a great week. Appreciate you, too. Bye. Hello, friends, remember to catch Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday at nine p.m. Eastern on Spotify Green Room. Join me for a journey through the cycles of life, love and aspiration in real time. Just download the Spotify Premium app, sign up for free or use your Spotify log to join the conversation. Then you'll be able to hear live readings, meet unique people and even ask questions of your own. Download Spotify Greenroom for free today and join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday.