Ask the Tarot: Another Choice Is Coming for You

This is a recording of our live Greenroom show from November 24, 2021. Follow @askthetarot on the Spotify Greenroom app to catch Michelle Tea live every Thursday at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET.


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Michelle Tea: Hey, everyone, thank you so much for tuning in, but did you know that you can join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday at 9pm Eastern on Spotify Greenroom? That is right live. All you have to do is download the Spotify Greenroom app and sign up for free or use your Spotify login to join. You can also click the link in our series or episode descriptions. Once you're there. Follow Ask the Tarot. And tune in every Wednesday at eight p.m. to hear what the tarot has to say. Hey, I'll even read your questions live. You don't want to miss that. Download Spotify Green Room for free today and join Ask the Tarot Live every Wednesday. 


Michelle Tea: Hello, tarot people. You guys are amazing, thank you so, so much for being here. Oh my God, I miss you guys. Hi. Hi. Hi. Oh, I'm hugging everybody. I'm hugging everybody with like, wild, like erratic, hectic Aquarian holiday energy. I'm so sorry that I'm late. I'm so grateful and touched that you guys are here. I'm still going to hang out here for a solid hour, so we'll have an hour together. Hopefully, you guys also can hang out for those who are new or are joining for the first time. Usually we start at six, so that's why you're getting this flurry of of mania. My name's Michelle Tee. I'm the host. Anyway, we're late. I'm sorry. Life is hectic. I'll be here for a full hour. I'm going to be reading questions that got sent to me through my Instagram. You can also send me questions there at Michelle T's too easy. I gathered a bunch that are about people's jobs, like people got a lot of job probs, so I'm here to take care of some of them, hopefully. And for you guys, anything you want to ask the tarot at all doesn't have to be about jobs can be about whatever is up in your life. Just raise your hand and that's how I'll pick on you. So I'm going to just start with some. I actually picked some cards earlier just to kind of prep. So I so I'd have less shuffling time and more reading time, right? So here's the first one it says I'm unemployed and just landed a second interview for a job. The only problem is that I don't want the position I only applied because I haven't been hearing back from the jobs I actually want. Why do I feel like this is very relatable? Should I proceed with the interview process and see where it goes? Or should I declined the invitation and hold out for something I'm excited about? Thanks so much. All right. So yeah, the birth of a card that I picked for like, what does it look like if you proceed with this job you don't actually want and it's the prince of disks and like he is all about just like duty, right? He is so dutiful. The prince of disks can be a little bit boring, so I'm not surprised to know that you're not inspired about this job. He's not a super inspired character, but he is so doggone hard working. You know, he's I'm reading with the top deck. He has a tourist signifier, the bull, the steadfast. I'll get it done. Bull is pulling his chariot. So OK, and then guess what? If you declined the invitation and hang out for something else? You got the ten of swords, which is the ruin card. I am so sorry to tell you that it doesn't look like there's a lot out there right now. And again, this is just this moment, right? Tarot is just moment by moment. Our lives are just moment by moment. Tarot helps us know that. So yeah, you should be like good like the tourists and just do good by yourself. But anyway, take the job. It's not your dream job, but it will take care of you. And so you can be grateful for it, for that, for popping up to take care of you. And more will be revealed for your for your work life and your career. OK. This is not the last job you're ever going to have, but it doesn't look like there's a better one around at the moment. OK, now you guys who is in the queue? Who can I help? Annie, I know. I don't know about you guys, but I know this is like I'm working on an update for the app, and it seems like maybe there's a little bug going on on my end anyway. But yes, exactly it updated. I see that, Jackie. OK, so here's here's the only thing that I missed, Annie. I missed exactly what the first thing that you would be going back to would be. But I picked a card on what you're going back to anyway, because I knew that it was something that you're returning to. I got the spirit of it, but I didn't get specific. What it is and the card that you got for that is the two of discs, which is change in this tarot cards, Jupiter and Capricorn. And I actually like this because the cards that you got for the other two parts aren't that great right now. They're both different cards. 

The writing card is the eight of swords interference and the spiritual path right now is the ten of Swords Ruin. I mean, do I think that like ruin will befall you for pursuing your intuition? No, absolutely not. Please keep doing these things. But you know you're asking about like where to really put your the most of your energy right now? That's what I'm asking the cards to tell us about and what I really like about this issue of death. It's a yes card. The two of discs is a yes, which is great. And then on top of that, what I like about it is that you're returning to this to this so this occupation, but it's going to be different for you somehow, and it's going to be different in a really good way. It's Jupiter and Capricorn. So both of these things are really excellent. Jupiter brings gifts and expansion. So somehow there's more to this work than there was for you last time around, OK? And then it's Capricorn, which is like, That's the boss of the zodiac, right? Capricorn, Capricorn, you know, they achieve they they aspire and they like. There are just the big winners, so I feel like there's actually a path in here for you. And I think it's going to be a little bit different than it was for you last time around. Now, as for like writing and spirituality, it just looks like these are things that you need to keep growing. I love that you have a mentor for writing. I love that you're looking into your spirituality, and I love that you're doing ancestor work. I think that those are all fantastic things and they're a part of your life, and they might be an ever increasing part of your life and maybe at some point be like something that is monetized. But right now, I'm getting almost a feeling like you really just need to not put that kind of sometimes when we put pressure on things to monetize for us. It can kind of hurt them while they're still sort of blossoming and getting their feet. So, you know, I want you to keep writing and working with your mentor and keep doing your spiritual work. But as far as like where to put your work, your energy for like a job, I really think it needs to be back at the thing you have been doing, but expect it to be different in a good way. Does that make sense? OK, Andy, I had to cut you off. I'm so sorry. The audio was so terrible. I heard you like laughing and it sounded really sweet, and I think I heard you say that it made some sense, and I really I really hope that it made some sense. All right. Here we are. You guys. This is showbiz. It's tomorrow showbiz. This is what happens. OK, so here's another question that came into my mailbox. I'm a licensed therapist. Thank you for your service. And on the precipice of opening my first private practice, I also happen to be a tarot reader myself and consider myself an intuitive which I've always wondered about merging my love of tarot and esoteric spirituality with my work as a therapist. But I'm scared this might be too new agey and out there for my therapy clients. I'm wondering what it would look like for me to have a traditional psychotherapy practice versus one that honors and embeds more of my witchy spiritual side. Wow. OK, so I picked you cards because I'm just kind of going hard on them, you know, to try to get with this late start. I just wanted to get as much going as possible here. I'm using a really beautiful deck called the Radiance Tarot that some of you guys might enjoy. Check it out. It's very pretty. There's a lot of animals in it. So the card that I picked for you having a, you know, traditional psychotherapy practice was the 10 of swords. And unlike Annie, who I was just getting, you know, like a no vibe from it, I actually think the 10 of Swords has a deeper meaning with you. I think the 10 of swords, this is showing that like, it's not going to work for you to have a traditional psychotherapy practice because you, my friend, as you know, are an intuitive which you're not a normal psychotherapist. Now, if you accept that and if you get a strategy together about how to introduce these other, you know, intuitive practices to your clients, et cetera, the card that you got for that is the four of pentacle power sun in Capricorn. Being a boss, that is like it's one of the best cards. It's one of the best career cards, OK? It's really fantastic. So, yeah, I love when the cards are clear and they're very clean right now. Yes, you should absolutely not pretend to be normal, but none of us pretend to be normal. Okay, let's all be our weird. Which yourselves and. And yeah, good luck with your art. I mean, I would love to get therapy for you. I mean, what a dream to have a therapist that you pick tarot cards for me. So good luck to you. Okay. Let me see now who we got out here. Ale A-L-E Ale as I'm hoping I'm saying your name correctly. You're muted. So up. 

Querent: Hello. 

Michelle Tea: Hi. Hello. Am I saying your name correctly, Ale? 

Querent: Yeah, it's short for Alejandra. 

Michelle Tea: OK, cool. Hello, Ale. What can the tarot do for you tonight? 

Querent: I have been contemplating the idea of moving to San Diego and looking for work there. I'm currently in Orange County and I just want to see what it would look like to relocate to San Diego and what it would look like to stay in Orange County. 

Michelle Tea: OK, let's see. OK, so I'm going to pick one card for San Diego. Here we go, and I'm going to pick one card just for staying in Orange County. Okay. I need to like come up with a new like, shorter, tighter, faster shuffling. I'm like, very neurotic about my troubles with the tarot I really like. I want to get a perfect shuffle and you know what I mean? It's going to feel satisfied. OK? You know something I want to tell you to move because it's like I always want to tell people to move. I'm like, Move, leave your hometown, see the world, you know, like, branch out. But it looks like right now there's actually there's great things for you in Orange County. You got the Sun card for Orange County, and I know it's a very sunny place, but like, you know, this is beyond beyond it being literal. It's. It means that there's something about being there where the best of you is being highlighted and being brought out. And if that doesn't feel true, I would just maybe ask why and see what you can do to see if you can make some changes or or because I just I just picked a card like, you know, if I ask the tarot if this doesn't feel true, what can you do? And I got the lovers and the change card. So it's like there are some things that you can shake up. There's some different choices that you can make, some things you can walk away from or possibly commit to you that can increase that. Leo fun vibe creative like feeling really good about yourself, feeling good about life, energy that the Sun brings. Now, if you go to San Diego, it's not terrible. You got the seven of wands. The seven of wands in the top deck is called valor, and it says it's kind of a struggle. It's a struggle that you win like you are victorious at the end. But there's something kind of exhausted about it. And what's interesting is that they're both Leo cards. But you know, the The Sun card is just exalted, beautiful Leo at its best at its highest energy. And the valor card for San Diego is Mars in Leo, which is kind of a struggle. It's just kind of like, you know, you want it to be a lot easier than it is. And I know it sounds like it's being presented to you. Maybe like it's an easy there's something like you down there. Yeah, yeah. But it doesn't seem like it's really going to be quite as easy as 

Querent: That is really good to know. Thank you so much for your time. 

Michelle Tea: You're very welcome. Good luck to you. 

Querent: Thank you,. 

Michelle Tea: All right. Let me see. OK, let's see. Here is a card. And here's a question that came into my Instagram. I left a toxic job over a year ago and haven't quite found anything new yet. Well, congrats leaving a toxic job. Not not easy to do. You love San Diego? I know you do. I could feel that you wanted to move. I could feel that you were disappointed. I wish the cards were giving you different energy. Maybe I want to tell you just to go spend a lot of time down there, but I bet you're already doing that. OK. All right. I'm going. I'm going to move on. All right. I've now been presented with a potential job with people I met through my last job, which I'm really excited about. However, the company is still very much in its early state, and the job might not materialize until next year. It's all very up in the air, but is this the dream job I've been waiting for? I've also been asked to produce freelance for an independent media company. Should I take this on? I'm afraid if I say yes, the other potential offer will come through early and I'll be in a pickle. Please help. Well, first of all, I want to thank you for saying, you know, using the word pickle in that way is one of my favorites. So I picked two cards for you. One is, is this your dream job? OK, and the other, should you take this freelance? Is this your dream job? It very well may be. At the very least, it's one of your dream jobs. OK, maybe you're a person that's going to have to have occupational soulmates, and this might be one. I am using a deck called the they'll do Nahariya top tarot, and it's it's a tarot deck for writers. I have a feeling there's a lot of writers here. I get so many questions about writing, so check out this tarot deck. It's called one aria, and it's all about writing. So instead of cups, there's ink wells, which is adorable. So the card that's representing, you know, is this your dream job? The nine of ink wells. OK, this is a really happy, happy card. It's very blacked out 

Jupiter in Pisces, which is like Jupiter and just brings gifts. It's bringing you the gift of a dream job. Pisces, you know, you're able to soak it up and feel it. Really feel it. So. So yeah, it is. It looks really good. But I also did ask you, should you take on this freelance job, will it land you in a pickle? And guess what you got? You got the Fool card, which is represented in this deck by the writer Lewis Carroll, who did Alice in Wonderland. So it's a little picture of Alice. Yeah, the Fool. 

Guess what? You should do it. I mean, I think you want to be the fool. I think you want to be in a pickle. I think you want to have that kind of embarrassment of riches, where on the one hand, you've got your dream job. But then you've already also got this freelance gig going on and you'll figure it out. You know, with the Fool there, you'll figure it out so you don't have any bad cards here. It's not like you're going to feel stressed. I mean, it might feel a little of like good stress, like, how do I balance all this great stuff? You might really be thankful that you've got this great freelance gig happening while the dream job goes through. It's, you know, growing pains or whatever and maybe takes a moment to solidify and get you on full time or at a level that is, you know, functional for you. So, yes, so yes, to all the jobs, OK, now I'm going to put this little injury or death away and see who is next here. Let's see who is next. Charlie, hello. Hi. Hi, hello. How are you? 

Querent: I'm great. Thank you. Oh, this is very exciting. 

Michelle Tea: What would you like to ask the tarot this evening? 

Querent: Yeah, so I am a grad student and public policy, and I'm trying to figure out where I should be working this summer. This is I'm looking for like a three card spread on three different cities, and I kind of know what the type of job is I'm looking for in each one, but I'm trying to figure out which one is going to be the most aligned with my values. 

Michelle Tea: OK, great. What is the first place? 

Querent: So the first place would be Charlottesville, Virginia. The second place would be Washington, D.C. and the third place would be Philadelphia 

Michelle Tea: I'm shuffling for D.C. right now and then and then the final place is Philadelphia. All right. So your cards for Charlottesville look really good. They look good. I mean, I want to compare these with the other ones, of course. But you know, your centerpiece card is abundance, three of cups that's very close to the heart. You know, you're saying you want something that aligns with your values and that kind of suggestive of that it's mercury and cancer. So it's about communicating things that are very close to your heart. I also get a feeling that the people you might be working with there are kind of lovely. You get on either side of the abundance card are two queens. One is the queen of cups. One is the queen of wands. So it could be aspects of yourself or like the vibe of the work there. You know which is the queen. Queen, of course, is very emotional and can't always see clearly. Queen of Wands is sort of the opposite. I mean, very passionate, but like, very decisive, you know, really, really knows what they're doing. So, you know, those could be people that you're working with, like a watery, a watery person and a more fiery person. Or it could be somehow nature of the work there where there might be elements of the the work where you can't see clearly or it's very emotional for you. But also you're given a lot of work to rise to the occasion of in a good way. I think so. So that's that DC. Let's see what we got for DC or DC looks good. DC looks even better. It's got a challenge too. But you know, it's hard to get a spread with not a single challenge. That's just our lives. This looks great. In fact, I just quickly flipped your Philadelphia cards, and I think this is the way to go. Your first card is the magician. I mean, that's fantastic that for starting a new venture for like going out into the world like, you know, you're talking about doing work that aligns with your values. So you're I see your audio isn't working, so you're not hearing anything. Oh no, I'm going to I'm going to type it out really fast. OK, so DC is magician ace of discs, which is so great for a new job. I mean, my gosh. And then Prince of Swords. OK, so is a little little. There's something there, there's something there. It's a little annoying. But my gosh, it can't compare to the magician and the ace, right? That's like, so excellent now for Philadelphia. I'm going to just type this out real fast. Philly is hanged, man. I mean, not a great start, but OK. And then strife, right? Strife. And then where's the other one? Oh, ace of swords. And just to be clear here, strive because I'm using the shortcuts with this top deck strike is the five of wands and I say. Go DC and write this into here, go DC, for sure, that's what you want to do. OK, Charlie, I'm going to I'm going to say goodbye to you and remove you because you can't speak or here. So I'm so sorry that I had to do that. I hope that was helpful for you in spite of how strange the delivery of the information was. OK. Let's see. We got somebody else here who has a question. I recently started my own business. I took a big leap of faith and have been following my heart on it. It's a small consignment shop that works with local artists and crafters to promote and sell their work. I'm curious if the cards have insight that you love shops like that. They're so fun to go in and get little trinkets and buy gifts for people. I love places like that. Let's see what the cards say about the energy of this undertaking. Oh yeah, this is great. I'm happy that you're doing this. You're doing what you're supposed to do. The last card, OK? The last card is a very artful card and it's very passionate, and it is about supporting artists and supporting your own artistic self. It's Leo, and it's Leo at their absolute best, right? Just kind of like that Sun card was but different. This is really engaged. It's very, very engaged in the way that I've in a way that I think works really well for a shop that's supporting artists. Your second card, Knight of Wands. Again, more fire here. OK, this is great. It's like you've got all the energy that it's going to take to do something like this because gosh, I can only imagine, you know, like, you know, the business aspect of it as a job and then kind of promoting artists and working with artists as its own job as well. So you get a lot on your plate and your final one is the beautiful, lovely princess of cups who's making an offering. And I get a real sense that you feel like you are being of service to these artists. Maybe you're being of service to your community. You love being of service because it feels really good. And guess what? You're good at it. So I let us know where this store is so we can come in like, buy things. This is really great. OK, who is in the room right now? I am going to call on Branson. OK. You're muted. 

Querent: Can you hear me?

Michelle Tea: I can hear you. Great. Great, great. How are you doing and how can I help you? 

Querent: I'm really good. How are you?

Michelle Tea: I'm good. Thank you.

Querent: OK, so my question is I work in travel nursing, and so I've been manifesting and doing some spell work on trying to find a better contract that fits my needs financially. And so this contract that I'm in now is coming up to an end on Friday, and I was wanting to know if I should stay here or should I wait around for a better paying contract. And if I if I do, you know, if I do wait around, they may fill my spot here after Friday. So. 

Michelle Tea: So you have to kind of probably just jump or not jump. 

Querent: Right? That's the question. 

Michelle Tea: And you know that you're not going to like your contract that much. 

Querent: Right, right. I've just been here too long and I'm just looking for something different. 

Michelle Tea: I get it. I get it. I've had family who done travel nursing. OK, so first of all, I'm doing is what does it look like for you to take it because it's what you're already doing and just so you're not left out in the cold, all the other practical reasons to take it. So many cards for that. And now what if you got what if you're like, you know, something, this contract doesn't cut it and I'm going to hold out for something better. I've been here for too long. And what does it look like if you just hold out and keep sniffing around for other opportunities in your field that suit you better? OK. So just grabbing onto it? Okay. All right. Hmm. Interesting. Interesting. Gosh darn it, you are in a tough spot right now. It's like, I really want to encourage you to hold out for what you want because the you know, the cards for holding out for what? For what a better contract like. The centerpiece card for it is the three of wands, which in the top deck is called virtue. And it's like, yeah, it's like, you know that you're worth more than what you're getting, you know? And it's so it's very pure in spirit of you just to be like, No, I want what's better and you have the Knight of Swords with you, which is also very focused and very like, I'm going to go get what's better for me. But then you also have the 10 of swords. So I'm concerned that there's just a tough job market is what you're working with right now. And, you know, and that like, you're going to end up in spite of you're like, really beautiful, like purity of intention and your focus and diligence, you might end up at this 10 of sort of 10 of swords, which is just like shit, you know? However, it's like staying at this job that you're at. It's so funny. You said you've been there for a while. The first card that comes up is queen of desks. It's like you should be running this place, you know, like, like you like, rule this place. And that's probably what's so frustrating is that you probably could run the place and you're you're very good at your job and you know it and it's not being recognized. The other two cards that came up next to her is the five of cups disappointment and the five of wands strife. So, I mean, are you are you actually fighting with people at your work? Can I ask? 

Querent: Not so much fighting. There's just a lot of drama, I guess. I'm just staying back, not thinking on it. I'm not scared. But yeah, I've done. I'm done with a lot at the show. 

Michelle Tea: I mean, oh my goodness. I would say for now this Friday, if nothing has come up like, take it because you don't want to just be left in the lurch, even though like this job as it is right now for you is beneath you. It's beneath your efforts. It's beneath your talent. I mean, it was it's beneath you. That sounds like it. Just it's like, you're not being you. It's not. It's not respecting you as much as it should be, you know? And because you do have the queen of desks, I almost wonder if you can get in there and haggle a little bit and just be like, I need to be recognized with those two five cards I could. I could see it not actually going well. So I trust you and you're feeling about like, you know what, you can kind of get away with and what you can't. But you got to ask this. You got to ask this question again, I think or keep can you keep looking for a place under this contract? 

Querent: Yeah, I can keep looking through different companies, and that's what I was going to do. Actually, what's interesting is today, when I did my daily tarot card, it was the three of wands. No way. It was. Yeah, so I like I like when stuff like that happens so quickly, it's just going to hold off and just keep looking at things.

Michelle Tea: Keep looking. You know, I just picked a card for you continuing to look and you got the nine of disks, gang. It's a good work, hard to get money cards. So yeah, like there is another job out there for you, but you just don't want to be left in the lurch. So. So take it this Friday. 

Querent: Awesome. OK, I appreciate it. Thank you. 

Michelle Tea: You're welcome. Bye bye. 

Gosh, you guys are just like telling people not to move, telling people to like, start their lousy jobs like, Oh, I just like, I wish. I wish that I was telling everybody to like, you know, I wish I was telling everyone to run away from home. That's like, really where my heart is. But that's not what the town. Who wants to tell you guys, OK, all right, here we go. Here's another question that came in through my Instagram for those who have just joined us. You can raise your hand and I'll try to get to you, or you can also send questions to me at Instagram. My name there is at Michelle Easy. And, you know, I got like 40 pages of questions and I'm going to I'm determined to get through them eventually. Here's the new here's the next one. I'm quite an introvert, and I've been very privileged to have been able to work from home making apothecary products the past couple of years, but am not quite making enough to make this my only job anymore. I'm at a crossroads. My question is, do I maybe get a small business loan to keep my apothecary line going and put my energy there? OK? That is what I'm struggling for right here. OK, what does it look like to get a small business loan? I mean, my goodness. A lot of people are meeting that extra support after the pandemic. So, so fun to have an apothecary line. OK, I'm picking three cards for that. Or should I look for a work from home type job? OK, I'm shuffling. I'm shuffling to see what that is. A work from home job. Work from home jobs. I always like I'm thinking of like make $100 an hour stuffing envelopes. There used to be these like ridiculous ads in the back of like free papers in like the 90s where you were like, Really? Is that real? It wasn't real, but hopefully you can find a real work from home. John, what does that look like for you? I just picked some. It's getting harder and harder to go back to a real job, but constant hustling has its own downsides, does it ever? My introverted ways have been extra activated due to their pandemic, and I'm really torn here, but I feel you OK. Small business loan vs. work from home. Oh geez. Gosh, this also looks hard. Work looks. Why am I shocked? That work looks hard? I mean, work as hard, is it not? You guys? Capitalism is a drag and the work is really hard. So you know, there's there's pluses and minuses, and I do think that getting a work from home job looks a little better. So for getting the loan, the first card you have is the Princess of Swords. She's great in certain circumstances, but she's sort of rash and reactionary. So with her popping up, I'm thinking, Oh gosh, like, I feel like that's a sign saying that it's a little bit like it's too much to like. Get alone. For some reason it's not. It's it sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to do, but somehow it's not. And then the next card that comes up is the ace of wands. OK, new beginning. All right. But then after that, futility seven of swords, futility. So these rough swords cards, I see that you want to keep the fires burning on the apothecary line with the small with the small business loan. But it looks like my guess looking at this is that it's not going to be enough to sustain that. There's other issues working against the apothecary line that need to be sorted out so that that income that you get from the bank isn't sort of wasted. Do you know what I mean so that you're not, you know, taking that on and then owning that and still having it, not help the apothecary business. Now this is rough now for getting the job, the at home job, you got the art card, which is actually really wonderful. It's a Sagittarius card. I see all the sad shout outs. You know, you guys, I'm an Aquarius, I'm a sad stallion. So I really feel like a statue. And I love that season. Even if the savage mercury is messing us up tonight, I still love it. So this art card is Sagittarius, and it's about being creative and creating something new through your efforts. So that actually is really good. But then you get the cruelty card nine of swords again with the Swords card, which is like, you don't want to do this work or is there something shady about it? Why do I always think there's something shady about work from home, you know, opportunities? And then after that you get the lovers card, which makes me feel like another choice is coming for you. Now, I am unsatisfied with both of these things, and I know that you said like you do not. It's harder and harder to go back to a real job, right? But I'm just I got a pick for you. I got a pick for you. What does that look like? Because the apothecary looks strained, OK, and working from home does not look like it's going to fix the problem. So what does it look like for you to get a J-O-B job job? Is that the way? Is that the way it goes? OK, there's my final shuffle. And yeah, my friend, I'm so sorry. You're not going to be happy about it, right? No, you're not. I don't need to tell you that you're like, I don't need a fortune teller to tell me I'm not going to be happy having to get a job, OK? But it is definitely the best spread for you. You got that ace of wands there again. It's interesting the ace of Wines came up for you around the apothecary. It's coming up again, which makes me think that this is actually a situation that might allow you to continue working on the Apothecary in a smaller way, but not let go of it completely until you can kind of build it up again and then maybe transition out of the nine to five, right? That ace of wands is really your passion, and I know that this nine to five job is not your passion, right? However, I do think it's possible for you to get a job. It's OK that doesn't feel terrible to you and, you know, getting thrust back out into the workforce, even though you are extra introverted, I really do understand. I do think that it's not going to be as bad as you think. OK, with the ace of wands, you then get the night of discs. He is a worker. He's like a real worker, dude, and he's like really making stable and practical choices. He's a little boring. You don't want to go to work, but you've got your final card. Ten of cups say shitty. Yeah, it's going to be boring. OK, like, I think that the novelty will wear off and you'll be like, Oh God, here I am. And when that happens, you come back and we can talk about this again, OK, we can pick some more cards and see, you know, take the temperature of, you know, what is where's your apothecary line at? Is it time like, what can you do to build that up? I think that the long term plan here is to get you doing apothecary all the time, obviously, but in the meantime, you got to pay the bills. So I think a nine to five hour is the way to go. Sorry, breaking hearts today, you guys whose heart can I break next? Let's see, Clark. Hi, Clark. 

Querent: OK, I got it on mute and I think, OK, great. 

Michelle Tea: And I got myself muted. OK, cool. What can I do for you tonight? 

Querent: Yeah. So actually, about a year ago you did a reading for me. I had just left an abusive relationship and have really spent the last year healing and getting into a good place. And around the time we spoke, I unfortunately ended up having to involve attorneys and get a protective order, and that's expiring next month, which is bringing me a lot of anxiety. So I'm just kind of looking for a gut read on, can we call this over and done? And hopefully this person isn't going to compromise my safety anymore? Or do I need to be nervous for next month? 

Michelle Tea: OK, so let's we'll just see what the energy of next month looks like for you around, you know, feelings of ideas around protective, feeling protective, feeling grounded, feeling like you're safe in your space. We're all so sorry that you had to deal with all of that, and it looks like you are going to let me just say it looks OK to me. It looks OK to me, but it looks like you're shaking. It looks like you're shaking in that, and that is meaningful. You know that like the fact that even though I'm here, you know, a terrorist reader on the internet telling you that you're going to be safe, like, of course, it's going to take you a little bit to kind of feel get the evidence from your actual lived environment and life that allows you to relax. So the first card that came up is the seven of of cups, which is called debauch, and it's just a really emotionally shaken card. And when the seven of cups comes up in this topic, it we really can revert to bad habits, habits and ways of thinking that are not good for us that we think are going to make us feel better or take care of things. But but that don't. So I think that like what I would recommend is really having like a support system around you so that you can run your thoughts and your actions by people who you know, know you and love you and like aren't being triggered who can tell you and reflect reality back out. You get those people around you that you can trust. Your next card is the night of bonds. And I really like him because he's about fast movement. He's a positive card, and he's really about fast movement. So I think that that period of feeling will pass pretty quickly. Also, if you have like fierce, fiery friends like keep them around, this could be a person in your life who's there to kind of like back you up and watch your back and just sort of like reality, check for you and then your final card is the art card. Again, that Sagittarius card coming up again. And it's a really wonderful card of like transformation, and it's really beautiful and positive. So I almost want to say that like after you go through, you know, the sort of necessary shaky feelings that you're going to have as a result of this like you're going to. Even better at the end of it, because I think it's going to feel really and truly done for you. You know, like like the art card is a major arcana. And it is about like a new reality. And so it's been great to have like, you know, the like society rules keeping him away from you. But now you'll see them away from you. I can't remember the gender of the person, but now knowing that you know, it's really over, you're going to be able to relax in a larger way. I think instead of waiting or fearing that some other she was going to drop, does that make sense? 

Querent: It totally does. And you know, it feels like I've gotten there, but this is like the last hurdle, I think kind of psychologically keeping me from feeling OK with moving forward, you know? Yeah, that makes it. I ask, what's the equivalent of the art card in the Rider Waite? 

Michelle Tea: Oh, in the Rider Waite. It's actually a bizarre riff on the temperance card that makes no sense to me. But, you know, I abide by whatever the tarot creator intends for the cards. But it is, you know, it's sort of like a like a hyped up temperance. So while temperance is about sort of like, like mellow balance, this is about, you know, the temperance card is sort of pouring the water back and forth and creating like a rhythm in a harmony in the art card. It's more about alchemy. So they're pouring something back and forth, but they're creating a whole new fame. So something all new is created from the attempts at balance in the alchemy. Something new is created. So I like that because I'm really seeing that it's a sort of a new beginning or a new way of like feeling a new feeling in the world, you know, as a result of this passing. 

Querent: I love that. Thank you so much. 

Michelle Tea: So welcome. Good luck to you. OK. Let's see. This is like real simple here. Should I stay in my job 15 years or pursue a new job? Thank you for being a tarot minimalist. Although I got to say I really love all your tarot maximalist. I love all the details. How could I not? OK, so I'm picking a card for what does it look like to stay in this job of 15 years? And what does it look like to pursue a new job? OK. See. You guys. I just want to say I'm like catching bits and bobs of the - I keep glancing down at the chat and I just love you guys have such strong affection for the folks who come here and participate like that. And it's such a sweet community and thank you for like helping each other. You know, during these moments when I know people are asking questions and because I'm reading cards and I see you guys helping each other and it warms my heart, it warms the cockles. OK. So stay in the job for 15 of 15 years. You get the debauch card, you're over it. That is a soggy ass, uninspired and you're going to self-sabotage if you stay in that job. That's what I think. Looking at it, it's like it's just like icky and slimy, and we don't like it. However, get a new job. What do you get? The four of disks came up earlier for the psycho, for the groovy psychotherapies. And I'll say to you what I said to that person. Yeah, this is you stepping into your power and growing your skills, growing your career, feeling more fortified. So either, you know, getting a better deal, getting more money, getting a better work environment, whatever it is, it might be all of those things. So yes, you should definitely pursue a new job and get out of that soggy, soggy seven of cups. OK, who do we have here, Nadia? You are up next. Nadia. 

Querent: Hi. Hi there. First time being on. So I've been looking for the mute button the whole time. 

Michelle Tea: And oh my goodness. It never gets easier from here. 

Querent: Well, thanks for having me on. I have I. It's funny. Everybody's had a career related questions that I certainly have those about my life, but I'm I'm fretting about a boy. And so is that which one should I go with the boy or 

Michelle Tea: Whatever one you want to know about and it's whatever you want, there's no. I use a theme sometimes to gather the questions that come into my Instagram, but share lives. I just want folks to ask what they want to know. 

Querent: That's amazing. Thank you. So so I've gotten in touch with someone, and I'll try to keep it short. But he seems like a great guy on paper. He he seems real friendly, and he seems to indicate that he's dedicated, that he wants it to be a super long term thing, you know, breaking out the N-word and all that good stuff and meeting all those fun things. However, there's a lot of things where he's if he waffles about a lot of things and even his values, I'm like, OK, do we have to walk together? They generally must agree on things on the basics, but you know, he waffles about those things. He's jumped around on several different topics, several different times, and I'll try to get close, you know, like pat his hand or do other little flirty things and he like jumps away. But he's telling me he wants to stick around forever. So I'm confused. I'm hoping he's a healthy person and says personality wise and all of that, and God bless them either way. But I just I can't afford to have more people who I have to be the parent for in my life. 

Michelle Tea: Oh hell no. You don't need that at all. So let's see. I'm going to pick three cards to sort of get his vibe like, what's his vibe about? Because like, maybe he's just a little jumpy. What sign is he? 

Querent: OK, so he's a Capricorn Sun Taurus Rising Cancer Moon, and I feel like he would be a very strong, stable opposite to me. I'm a Leo Leo Sun, Aries Moon. Sorry, Scorpio rising. So I'm all kinds of fire her and I'm afraid that we may be too stubborn for each other. Also, what if just hating each other, loving to hate each other? 

Michelle Tea: And hopefully we'll get that dramatic? But let's see. Let's see. I'm like this. This person sounds like, I don't know. Like, maybe they've got some Libras, you know, one of those. So I'm one of those kind of those signs that kind of make you jump around a little bit. But let's see what we got here. I this is so interesting. I do believe he is the person he says he is. I believe he's sincere. That's the most important thing that I was looking for. Here, however, are you guys compatible? I don't know. I think that let me just tell you what I'm seeing here in the story that is sort of emerging from it. The very first part is the eight of disks. It's Sun in Virgo, and it's called prudence. And you know, that is like it's a beautiful tree that's growing really strong. It's got these lovely leaves that are protecting the flowers. So this makes me think a couple of different things. First, it's like it's a very reliable. Honest and steady card, so it makes me, you know, if you're looking especially somebody with all that Earth, you know, it's sort of speaking to that. So I'm like, OK, you know, he's not I don't think he's a sociopath. You know, I think that, you know, he is who he says he is. It might he might be trapped a little bit between, like wanting to rush in and then also wanting to mediate the speed. A little bit like that might be truly confusing for him. The prudence card says, Go slow, you know? So there is something in him that's maybe saying go slow, even as he's seems like he's sort of making proclamations. I think it's also telling you to go slow. Even if he is a guy who's going to be around forever. You still have to move slow because it's only by getting a little bit like you kind of do have to wade into something with somebody to really get the sense. And I know that like, believe me, I've had my heart broken so many times. Like, I really get that you want to the temptations of just sort of fast track it and be like, You just give me a printout right now so I can just review this and say yes or no, because I don't have the fucking time, you know, to like wade through your personality and see if you're going to work. But unfortunately, you kind of have to. So I do think like cautiously and optimistically, you should move forward, and so should he. And then you have the hanged man. And I'm wondering if this is a couple of different things. One thing I'm wondering is that he just might there might be some parts of his personality that irritate you. You know, that doesn't mean he's not a good match for you. It could be a great teaching thing for you to like. Let let a person be a person. You know what I mean, and have their quirks and like not take them personally and not try to change them like, you know, only, you know, if that resonates. Like, is that something that you might, you know, if you need to get better at that, this might actually be a great person for that. But it also just just knowing that like how uncomfortable you are about, like taking the chance. The Hanged Man could also represent what I was just saying that like, you do have to do the uncomfortable thing of trusting in order to come out the other side and and know, is this person worth it or not? And your final card here is the mercury in Sagittarius. Oh my gosh. Mercury is in Sagittarius. This is a beautiful card. It's the eight of wands. It's called swift ness. It is a very positive card. It's about electrical energy. Great communication. It feels like how long have you been seeing this person for? 

Querent: Oh, I thought I was muted this whole time. We've been talking since about August. OK? 

Michelle Tea: It looks like it's like, I see you guys, there's this. There's this. I'm saying move, move slowly, move slowly so that you can then move fast. Because when this switch, this card happens, everything really, really happens. It's like you have to get through this hanged man in order to really be able to relax and open yourself to him and also possibly for him to open himself to you more. You know, if he worries that you're going to judge him or something he might, that might be making him skittish or jumpy. But I don't see anything that's like a red flag in these cards. But you should. Yeah, you should move slowly and always encourage, you know, this swiftness card is really about direct communication. So if you haven't done things like, Hey, when I touch your hand, you pull away. Why did you do that? What is it like for me to touch your hand? How does that make you feel like in your own words? Of course. Like, that's a card that really is great for things like that. And like, it can make us feel really awkward, you know, to have to do this direct communication. And we just want to be swept off our feet. We want things to sync up, really, you know, easily and romantically and not have to kind of process different communication styles and whatnot. But I think you might have to. This hanged man to me is in the center of the cards are saying there's something uncomfortable that has to be faced and walks through for the sake of you guys having more freedom and ease with each other. Does that make sense? 

Querent: Yes, that makes a lot of sense. 

Michelle Tea: OK, good. But yeah, I mean, I do think he's sincere. I do think he's sincere. And that, to me, is the most important thing, you know, because I just want to make sure there's, you know, you're not getting played or anything like that, and you want to make sure that. I don't see that I don't see any ill intentions here. 

Querent: Awesome. Like you said, I don't have any more time for that. I've got too many T-shirts real that you 

Michelle Tea: You don't. But at the same time, unfortunately, you've got to you got to get your toes wet to really know like what the temperature is. So I wish you a lot of luck getting to know this person a little bit better and like letting yourself be open to that process. 

Querent: Awesome. Thank you so much, Michelle. 

Michelle Tea: You're welcome. Bye bye. All right. Let's see what else we got here. Oh, what happened? I have been wanting to follow my follow my intuitive gifts for years and eventually have my own practice to spiritually assist others. I'm gifted with abilities and many of the Claires. I love that. I love that they said that in the Claire's clairvoyant clear audience like, well, the Claires. But I am like a hermit crab afraid to come out of her shell because of the closed minded community I live in. Oh, now I'm feeling so drawn to tarot. So here I am, asking tarot for insight on what road I'm being drawn to and what that means for me. OK. Well, clearly, you know, you're being drawn towards spiritual practice that engages your clear talents, that allows the Claires to take center stage. So what would it look like for you to do that and really commit to that? Let's see. And keeping in mind that you're in a closed minded community and I am going to be looking for cards that, you know, suggest that that might be an issue for you. Or maybe, maybe it's not an issue. It just feels like it could be. OK, see you one more little shuffle that I'm going to pick three cards to see what this should do. OK. Yes. All right. There is a problem and the problem is not your clairvoyance or clairvoyance is gorgeous and sparkling, and I can see it in these cards. What does it look like? I'm now asking this. You didn't ask me to ask you what it looks like for you to move, but I am going to do that because when somebody gives me a problem and they say because of the closed minded community I live in, I can't help it. I also grew up in a closed minded community and I got the hell out of there by the skin of my teeth. And you know, I know that it's going to be really hard to do and hard to figure out and know that. What does it look like for you to to move into a more accepting environment? It's hard. OK, so here's what I see for you. You know, what does it look like for you to go forward into your spiritual practice? You have three cards. First one is the three of swords sorrow. There's a sorrow attached to this, and I'm thinking that that is, you know, how hard it is for you to come out of your shell, OK? It looks truly scary for you to do that. But here's the thing. You also have the two of cups, which is love, and you have the ace of cups, which is a whole new cycle of emotional fulfillment in exploration and experimentation. Also, I just really feel like intuitive gifts are often seen in the cups, cards and the tarot. I mean, the kind of everywhere through the tarot, but I'm feeling it here. I asked, you know, OK, what is that? What's that swords card? Is it? Is it people, you know, being mean to you? Do you need to move moving? It's not great. You've got adjustment. The harassment and cruelty. You know, if you got something else at the end and not cruelty, I would say, yes, maybe you should move, and maybe you should move in a way that move to a place where you can study and grow this gift because you have the Hereford.. But I don't know that you're ready to do that yet. I think what you need to do. You need to take the chance of showing yourself to your community, OK? You have the three of swords. I'm seeing how hard it is for you. I don't know what you're saying. Is this, you know, the three or swords is Saturn and Libra. And so I'm reading that is like this you having this Libra desire to be liked, to be of assistance to your community, to be like a good person, a good community member? And then Saturn is coming down on you like a big bully saying like, Oh, they're all going to laugh at you like Harry's mom, you know, but I don't think they're going to. I think that part of this process for you is is you have to come out of your shell in your community and trust. You're going to be met with love, OK? And trust that you are love and you're going to be able to bring additional love into the world through this work. So, you know, I think it's really interesting that the three of swords is at the beginning of this reading and not at the end, because I feel like that's what you need to crawl through or climb over in order to access the love and the ace of cards, the two of cups and that is the ace of cards that is of cups you've got to climb through. You know that three of swords remember swords. So the pain of swords happens in our mind, right? It tugs on our heart, but it's our mind. It's mental. So whatever story you're telling yourself about, you know, not being accepted by your community, I'm sure there's really good reason for it. I really don't doubt that. But it's still a story and you've got to get out there and you got to do it. OK. So let us see who we got here, Brianna. You're up next, Brianna. 

Querent: Hi, how are you?

Michelle Tea: I'm good. How are you doing?

Querent: I'm doing OK. So I downloaded a tarot reading app. OK. And like last week I got the tarot. I mean, not the tarot, the tower card. I got that. And of course, like I'm used to tarot. So I was like, Oh my gosh, this is a scary card. And so I was just like, I know I shouldn't be so worked up about it, but I just want to ask the tarot like, what is? I don't know. I guess, what will my energy be like? Does that make sense? 

Michelle Tea: It does. Yeah. What will your energy be like in regards to anything in particular or doing any particular time period? I don't know. I guess in the near future, what will my energy be like just in general? Not today? What's up for you? What's the landscape look like? What's the forecast? What's the energetic forecast for Brianna. Let's see. 

It looks like you are at the end of something. Now I want to say, I want to say something to you and maybe to everybody. The tarot is so fun and it's an amazing tool. I use it every day, literally, but also, you know, it traffics in extremes. You know, there's not a there's not a card for like sort of a bad day, right? You get like the tower. So it's not that. Sometimes our lives absolutely fall apart. Like, I've gotten the tower card because, you know, my marriage was falling apart and I was on the verge of getting divorced. I've also gotten the tower card, you know, for other things that were far less earth shattering. But what I am seeing, OK, is that you have an ending energy around you right now. You got the 10 of wands, which in the top deck is called oppression, and you've got the 10 of cups, which in the top deck it's called, say, shitty. So, you know, I was, Oh gosh, who was? I read I was reading somebody recently who was really looking at the tower cards as really a positive card, you know, which is a wild way to look at it. We love freaking out about the tower and being scared of it, and I'm guilty of that as well. But you know, the tower card comes and shakes our life up so we don't get stuck in ruts and we don't find ourselves doing the exact same thing, you know, in 15 years as we're doing right now, we want to take advantage of the variety of this planet and of our lives and of our potential. And so, you know, it's we are also creatures who like habit, you know, and can be afraid sometimes so that sometimes the tower, it's the universe doing for us what we can't always do for ourselves. So it looks like with the ten of wands, it says, why am I still doing this? That's the question that it asks. I thought I wanted to do this, but I don't want to do this. How can I get out of this, OK? The ten of cups of saying, I'm bored, I've achieved what I wanted to achieve, and now I'm not quite inspired anymore. Now, in the middle of these two cards that are begging for an ending, they're begging for a change. You have the hermit. So this is really interesting. I'm the hermit is such a great card to come up when you're on the precipice of a change or maybe really need a change because, you know, he's the guy who takes himself out of society, crawls into a cave to get to the bottom of, like who he even is. So I think that the hermit is asking you, who are you? What is the purest essence of yourself? If you could be doing anything you want, what would you be doing if nobody was going to judge you? What would you do if your sky of the sky was your limit? What would you be pursuing? It wants you to ask those questions, and sometimes they're hard. The answers can be hard. They can make a sad, or they can make us scared. But it's really demanding honesty. It really wants honesty. And I think that's what your tower card is. I think that it's time for you to make some changes. And I think that it's OK if you don't know what they are yet. It's also OK if you kind of know what they are, but they're scary to you. You can take your time. It just wants to be seen. It wants to. It wants you to. It wants to know that you know that these changes need to happen. And if you don't know, it wants you to start taking some time meditating, doing journaling, taking walks in nature, being alone and away from other people's influences so you can really connect with what's true for you and then make those changes. Does that make sense? 

Querent: That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I just recognize what changes need to be made. So, yeah, thank you so much, Michelle. 

Michelle Tea: You're so welcome. I mean, the tower comes up. It's like the rotten truth that needs to be pulled so it doesn't make your body sick. So sometimes it hurts. But ultimately you're like, Thank God, that goddamn tooth is gone and I don't have a fever anymore. So good luck to you with all of your soul searching. All right, you guys. Wow. This was just another really beautiful evening with y'all. I really appreciate it this. Appreciate you guys. Thank you for being here. I'm sorry that I started late next week. I believe I'm also going to be on Wednesday and not Thursday, because if you happen to live in the Los Angeles area or you want a reason to go on a road trip, we're having a your magic live show. It's a really fun live show where I do live tarot readings for folks in the audience that's here in Los Angeles. I'm going to be reading tarot cards for Alicia Garza, who was one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matters. I mean, she's like one of the most important people, I believe, on Planet Earth today. So she's going to be there. We're going to read tarot. There's this amazing comedian Ashley Rae, who's doing a project about dating the zodiac. She's actually dating the entire zodiac and she's going to talk about it. And so and there's lots of other folks that are going to be there, too. So that's on Thursday, December 2nd in Los Angeles at a place called 20 to 20 arts and archives. And if you go onto my Instagram or your Magic's Instagram, there's there's ads for it on our Instagram. So I'll be there on Thursday. I'll be here with you guys on Wednesday. OK. Thank you so much and have a really great week. 


Michelle Tea: Hello, friends. Remember to catch Ask the Tarot live every Wednesday at eight p.m. Eastern on Spotify Green Room. You can join me for a journey through the cycles of life, love and aspiration in real time. Just download the Spotify Green Room app, sign up for free or use your Spotify login to join the conversation. Then you'll be able to hear live readings, myths, super interesting people and even ask the tarot questions of your own. Download Spotify Green Room for free today and join Ask the Tarot Life every Thursday at 9pm.