Ask the Tarot: Will I Ever Move on From My First Lesbian Relationship?

This is a recording of our Spotify Live show from December 30, 2022. Tune in on Spotify every Thursday at 6 PM PT/9 PM ET to catch Michelle Tea’s tarot readings. Or listen on the Spotify Live app where you can join the chat — you’ll even have a chance to ask the tarot what’s on your mind.

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Michelle Tea: Hey, everyone, thank you so much for tuning in. But did you know that you can join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on Spotify Green Room. That is right live. All you have to do is download the Spotify Green Room app and sign up for free. Or you can also use your Spotify log in to join. You can click on the link in our Series two or in the episode descriptions. Once you're there, follow Ask the Tarot. And tune in every Wednesday at eight p.m. to hear what the tarot has to say. Hey, I'll even read your questions live. You don't want to miss that. Download Spotify Green Room for free today and join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday.



Michelle Tea: Hello, everybody. Thanks for coming to ask the terror, how the last asked the terror of twenty twenty one. Thank you for being here. Um gosh, what's it all mean, you guys? What does it all mean? So I haven't gotten out of my pajamas all day today, and I don't know whether to hope that you guys have all had that experience also or to like, say, like, I'm sorry if you have because you think it's going to be like, really cool. Like, I don't know for me at the end of it, I'm just like, why didn't I ever get out of my pajamas? You know what I mean? Then, like, the sun goes down and you're like, Well, no point in doing it now, you know what I mean? Just trying to eat my rice and beans and get on the horn and start reading tarot cards. OK, guys. Anyway, enough about me. Hey, Jasmine, hey everybody. Hey, thanks to the new folks who are here. If you love this show and I think you, Eli, you can go to Spotify, you know, and you can search your magic, which is my other podcast. I'm the host of it in Sheltie, and you can also find all the best episodes of this room because they're all recorded. So you can just sort of like binge out. And, you know, if you want to come into your life, it's so fun to be here, live and be part of the chat every Wednesday, Six O'Clock Pacific and 9:00 Eastern. All right. So, you know, I've just been like, I've just been waiting through all of these love problems that have been coming my way, and I just realized I get a batch of, like unanswered gay love problems and like, Am I not a gay myself? Do I not want to serve my own community? So I'm going to to answer some of those. It just so you guys know these are questions that message to me and my Instagram. You can do that too. I'm @michelleteaz T-E-A-Z. If you want to like, you know, shoot me an anonymous question, I will put it in my stack and get to it ASAP. Or raise your hand right here. OK? Put your little hands up in the requests, and I will call on as many of you as I can and listen. You don't need to have a love problem and you don't need to be a gay person. You could be any kind of person with any kind of problem. And I will try to help you this evening. OK, here we go. I'll start off by saying that I'm a 33 year old non-binary gay man who has never been in a serious relationship and hasn't had sex in over eight years. Hey, it happens, right? I'm on the apps and I've been on countless first dates to no avail. I'm always trepidatious to admit that because when I do, the response from people is always confusion or them jokingly asking me if they can rescind my gay card. That is so rude. Oh my goodness. People are so weird about sex. Am I right? Anyway, it's fine that you haven't had sex in eight years. You're still gay. Jeez. Anyway, I've been living in a gorgeous neighborhood in the city for over a decade, and I love it. There is an independent bookstore right outside my door that got this person's living like my dream life that I venture and support often. Currently, there is someone who works there whom I've harbored a crush on for a long time now. We've always, we're always nice and exchange pleasantries to one another. Whenever I visit the shop, I've finally pulled the plug and decided to ask him out, and he said, Yes. Oh my god, I'm so excited for this. This is so cute. What do you need my help for a meeting up with him in a week to which I'm both excited and nervous about? So I'm wondering, is this a promising romantic adventure that can lead to something with legs? Or are we just meant to be friends? I'm cool with either. Oh my gosh. Well, you're so you're just so flexible. But I do hope that this leads to romance for you if you want it. Let's see. Let's see. I'm going to shovel these cards right here and see what is the what's the nature of the vibe look between you and the bookstore person? You know, as cute as any person might be in their life? Put them behind the counter of a bookstore. And aren't they just so much hotter like that proximity to books, having like books all over their hands and stuff? It just makes them even hotter. OK. Oh my God, I just think of the friends and family discount you can get at the bookstore. All right, let's see. What does it look like? OK, listen, it looks really good. I just want to say that I want to get this out of the way. OK, I'm going to say some other stuff, but I don't want to fill you with dread or something. I'm trying to protect you from dread because there's something needs to be dealt with. OK around this. And you know, I'm not saying like those other folks of like you, now I'm going to take away your gift card. It's like not about that at all. But you've been out of the game if you want to call romance such a tawdry thing for a while and it looks like there's some sort of block. OK, so it's like there's some sort of block. It doesn't look like that block is necessarily going to get in the way of you having a love exchange with bookstore person. OK? The first two cards you got here are great. The very first one is the nine of discs. It's called game. It's a Venus card planet of love. Venus in Virgo and it's game, it's just like there's things coming to you love resources, people, you know, things you put your hands on, it's like, Ooh! Because it was really interesting because, you know, Virgo classically are so picky, right? They're so picky. Virgos are the ones who I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Are there any Virgos out there? But you know, if you're self-aware, you're not going to argue with me or do fight me, fight me on the chat. Virgos are the people who will let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You know what I mean? You know that sentence like, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good where like something can just be really good. Like not perfect, but really good. But because it's not perfect, you know, you're like, Forget it, I hate it. So that could be a little Virgo. So Venus and Virgo, you know, I mean, I'm all for having high standards, but I also, you know, you want to let you naturally be humanity, you know what I mean? So there's that that's mostly a good card, but there's a little edge there with that Venus and Virgo. Your next card is just beautiful. OK, it's three of cups abundance, mercury and cancer. This is someone who you can really express intimacy with and love and like. It's so sweet. I mean, the three cups is a beautiful card. Of course, you're definitely going to be friends, at least, but I would say maybe more. But listen, your final card here is a set the seven of discs, which is called failure in this deck. OK, does it mean that this is going to be a quote failure? I mean, I even believe in such things. OK? But it is talking about a scenario, a situation where really, you know, I've been thinking about this card so much lately because of Chani, Nicholas, Nicholas, you know, whenever whenever she puts her little cards up on her app, I feel like I always get a deeper hint into them. So, you know, I'm really thinking a lot lately about the seven of just being about that cause. And then in that pause comes anxiety, right? Maybe just be a first jasmine. Yeah. I mean, I don't know, though, why? Why, why only be so if there's an attraction, if there's, you know, fun stuff I just want to see, I want I want our experience here to look at that seven of just and ask, OK, so when things heat up and something's happening, OK, then what happens? What is the negative that happens? OK? Is it fear? Is it sabotaging? Is it like letting the perfect be the enemy of the good? Is it that sort of like, Oh no, I don't like right now, this is what I do. I'll share what I do in these moments. At the beginning of relationships, I'll be like, I don't know where this is going. So I actually have to, like, hit the gas really hard to make it go someplace really fast, really abnormally fast so that I know that it's going somewhere and then I know what's going on and I feel good. OK. Don't do that. You know, whatever it is you do and we're all scared of love. We're all scared of being vulnerable, you know, even even as we want it. And we get we get so excited about it. We chase it. It's but it's scary. So, you know, I think the tarot is really asking you to look at what prevents you from going to the next level, OK? Certainly, some of it is circumstance. Absolutely. There's got to kiss a lot of frogs, am I right? But some of it, you know, is your stuff too. So, you know, I think that it's maybe we can be grateful for relationships like this that actually push us to have to look at our blockages, you know, and maybe get a little healthier and clear out, clear out that like the baggage of the past. Right? OK. Anyway, I know, after all that I hope you just had a frickin nice day. You know what I mean? And a nice make out or something. OK, let's see who is here in the room that wants a tiara reading Shelley. Oh my god, I feel like I'm going to talk to a cute white dog wearing like a pink boa. Shelley, you're up. That's because that's your, you know, that's your little picture. That's not a bow. It's like a tutu. That's even better. Hi Shelley. 


Querent: Hey, umm, so I'm writing a book about mental illness. She's going to have heavy crap in it, and I have to tell these stories that are easily told. Honestly, if I'm going to do it right, really quick. Gaining some traction have some people that are really like, You have to keep doing this, you have to keep going. But my family is starting to be like, Wait a minute, this is a horrible plan to there you more than it's going to help people, even families, a bag of dicks. I'd like to ask if I'm writing the book is going the right direction.


Michelle Tea: OK, oh my God. I mean, like Gee, a family that doesn't want you to write an honest book about mental health. But just to reiterate, Shelley is an author and is working on a book that has to do with mental health stuff. And please scream if I'm misrepresenting you, Shelley. But and you know, it's hard and the stories need to be told. Honestly, of course, and that is really challenging. Work and surprise across the family is not very excited about Shelley doing this and actually said that it's going to embarrass. Shelley, more than help other people, which is rude, a rude thing to say. Why should you be embarrassed? Why could anyone ever be embarrassed about anything? And so the question is what does it look like? What does the path look like right now? And I do appreciate for those who missed, Shelley did share a piece of true wisdom which, as families can be a bag of dicks as two families can be that sometimes and it's not set off. OK, so my last shuffle, unlike what's the energy? What is the energy with his work? OK. Yeah. You know something, Shelley. This is this work is all about you. It's all about you, necessarily. So it's and I don't even necessarily know if you're telling your own story. I'm getting a feel from your from your family's response that you might be. But whatever, whatever it is, it's all about your energy. It's all about your drive. It's all about your vision. It's all about your truth. Your center card in this reading is the two of wands. It's called Dominion. It's Mars in areas. And so it's like, you know, you're this this path that you're on with this work is sort of on fire, right? You have that card in the middle. And when that time comes up, it's like you are just, you know, that car comes up when people are just doing whatever they have to do to make the space for themselves, to make the room for themselves and to really believe in themselves. So I'm glad I'm hoping that you're not internalizing any of your family's weirdness and that you're really staying true to your own vision. It looks like you have the ability to do that really powerfully, which is great. I mean, all artists need to do that, and you certainly do. At this juncture, it sounds like the first card you got is the two of discs, which is called change. So this is really interesting. I mean, I wanted to just jump into that Dominion card because it's so like answers the question. But this this two of discs is really interesting. So it's a change card. It's Jupiter and Capricorn. And you know, it is about positive change because Jupiter brings gifts, right? But Capricorn is suspicious of all change. So it's a it's a funny card. It's like, you know, it's about getting, you know, things improving and being good, but almost like an unwillingness to trust it. And so I wonder if there's like, you know, I'm wondering if it is a little bit about like, you know, maybe going to your maybe you're going to have to pull back away from from your family or pull back away from from from energy that's not supportive while you're while you're doing this, you know, because it seems like it needs to be done. But there's some sort of change that needs to happen so that you can relax into the sort of goodness of this work. And it seems like the goodness of the work is the idea that it will help other people whatever catharsis is in it for you, the the sort of strange joy of writing, you know, it seems like that's all there for you. And I think that change is about like getting that change comes right before the Dominion card. So it's like getting rid of the haters, getting rid of people who are standing in your way, making room for more joy, more gifts from this process. And your final card is such a writerly card. I love it so much. It's the eight of wands in the top deck. It's called swiftness. It's Mercury rules writing Mercury and Sagittarius Sagittarius the big truth-teller, philosophical, not afraid to like, shoot the arrow and like, you know, tell the truth that no one wants to hear. It's a great card, I think, for writing in general and especially for it sounds like this project. So does that make sense? Oh, Shelley, now I can't hear you at all, but you don't appear to be muted either. Maybe she just fainted because I just talked for so long that she just passed out. Hmm. Let me see. It's muted, OK? See if you can unmute yourself, Shelley. People are saying it's muted. I don't see the little mute icon up for you. I'm going to give you another moment to see if you can sort this out. You're here. Oh, there you are, Shelley. She's in the chat now. She says, I'm here. Thank you.


Michelle Tea: OK, well, I don't know what's up. You know, we're here. We are, you know, by the grace of technology, it makes great sense. OK, the reading makes sense is what Shelley says. OK, well, I'm going to let. I'm going to pull you off of the speaker thing right now. Thank you so much, and I wish you so much luck. It is. No family will ever tell you to write your novel. I mean, right? I don't know. I mean, maybe like, there's some lucky person who is like born to other writers. But even I even know kids are like writers who whose parents didn't want them to write. So I don't know. I don't know. You just get to do your thing. OK? I love this cute little question that popped up in my inbox. Here it is. I have feelings for this boy and I've had them for a while. We don't really talk, and I'm pretty sure he's straight. Should I tell him my feelings to free myself? Or should I just hold off? OK. I mean, you know. Oh, gosh. Let's see what is it look like if you tell the straight seeming person that you've got a crutch, I mean, like, man, you know, best of the best of the world, he's not straight, obviously, right? Like, you know, there's so many people who seem straight and then not look at me. No, seriously, though, you know, hopefully he's not straight. And if he is straight, hopefully he understands that it is like the biggest compliment in the entire world to have a queer person if you're here, whether or not you share the orientation. OK, what does it look like if you don't? Because you guys don't really talk? I mean, I don't want to be a paranoid gay auntie up here, but I do know I want people to be safe. I don't want you to profess your love to someone who is not only not straight, but is like a homophobe or something horrible like that. So what does it look like if you just say to yourself, the bother is it is a bother. Just keep the you have a crush, though. OK, here's my final call, and then I'm going to flip these cards. OK, telling him Looks OK? Not telling him. Man. Well, listen, here's here's the deal. It doesn't look like this is necessarily going to happen, but it does look like if you don't tell him it's going to eat at you. It won't eat it. You forever. Of course you'll get over it. But it looks like it will like not telling him will make you like pine for him. If you do tell him, it just looks like maybe like, I don't know, maybe he is straight or like, married or who the hell knows? Like it doesn't. It doesn't look like there's romance there. Don't all crushes eat at you, though, says Jasmine. Yes, they sure do. So here's the cards for telling him two of swords Peace. OK, that's good. You like get it off your chest. They mean you like that crush on you. I mean, I'm a billionaire, so you know, I appreciate that. The next one is Queen of Swords, and she's just sort of like a I mean, classically in the chair of the Queen of Swords is a widow, so, you know, she's not partners. She's not hooking up or anything. I mean, she might be get some on the side. I sure hope so. But you know, it's not. She's not right. It's not a romantic card. And then the final card is completion. Four of wands Venus in Aries and off you go into the sunset. That just doesn't look like a romantic reading. If you don't tell him first, you get the nine of swords, which is Moon and Sagittarius, and it's called strength, right? So there is you with all your inner strength being like, I'm not going to tell him. I know he can make the first move. If he feels it, forget it. Why do I get to chase him down? Let him come to me. So you have all this sort of like power and then it just sort of collapses in on itself with, yes, the three of swords, you know, the heartache card, the like. When I went away, I cried. So you're just going to like, but then ultimately you get the 10 of what you get the I'm sorry, the 10 of discs, which is wealth, which is you're just like, that's fine. Like, I'm glad I didn't say anything. I think he will be glad that you didn't say anything if you don't. But if you do, it's OK. You know you're not going to be. It doesn't look terrible to look like you're like humiliated or anything. It just looks. It looks like it just, you know, maybe your friendship starts. Who knows? But yeah, it looks like even though it's like a little lackluster and not necessarily going to lead to love, it does kind of say to share your feelings, you know? And again, you know, I, my best friend from when I was a teenager, Peter Pizzey, he's still one of my best friends, the whole world. He's also tarot reader, and he's taught me a lot. We taught each other a lot over the years. They've learned so much from him. He's also like a psychic tarot reader, which is extra cool. We were just talking today about how sometimes how so often in tarot card readings, the tarot is telling people to do things that you're like. But why? Like, why bother telling this person if it's not going to lead anywhere right? It doesn't make logical sense, but like we're tarot is the logical, and so much of our life in our world is not logical. And it's so great to have a practice that allows for that and kind of honors that. Like, who knows what will happen as a result of you telling this person that you have a crush on them, you know, like it could lead to? So who knows what sort of, you know, butterfly effect? I can't believe you guys made me say it, but you know, who knows what it can lead to? OK. Who is in the audience who would like a tarot reading? Catherine, you are another. Another person with a cute dog tags in a profile picture. I like all your dogs, you guys. Hello.


Querent: I'm so excited to be here. I listened to all your stuff, and it's just so exciting that you called me. So thank you.


Michelle Tea: Oh, thank you. Thank you. What would you like to know about tonight?


Querent: So my husband is about to get out of the army, and we are trying to decide if we want to stay where we are for another year or if we would like to go west. So we're thinking California or Washington?


Michelle Tea: You're thinking where or Washington?


Querent: California.


Michelle Tea: California or Washington. Okay, cool. So I'm going to shovel. But does it look like you guys just stay where you are, at least for now, you know, and just like, I don't know, sprout into your home. Do big shovel on that. I always like to start with whatever is sort of happening. Sampling three cards for staying where you are in now. Three cards for heading bus. And so OK. So as long as one of the spots are good for you, somewhere in California, somewhere in Washington, that's what we'll that's what we'll take it as the suspense. Okay, so let me say, staying where you are now, seeing where you are, gee is I think it seems like this is so funny. Is there something you can do to stay where you are but make it sort of more amazing, like you're definitely the very first card for staying put is the seven of wands, and the energy of that card is basically like, Please don't make me stay where I am, like, I'm exactly the vibe. Yes, that's exactly right. I do not want to stay here. I'm so bored. I'm so whatever it is like, you're over it. But then the next two cards are the empress and the priestess, which are incredibly powerful and beautiful cards. And I mean, like the empress is Venus, you know, which is like Libra and Taurus, which is like home in relationships and like your getting out army. And like, you know, like, have you know, have you guys not seen each other? No, we're we're together, but the family car, my mom and my dad are close, so that could be her something that's popping up. But and I'm a teacher, so it's like he's getting out in August. So it's like we either have to stay another full school year or we have to decide soon where we're going. And it's just kind of stressful because I can't pick up and leave in the middle of the school year. No, you definitely can't. But is there something else that you can do like? Is there a possibility of a new home and new neighborhood or something like that? Is any anything like that on the table? Because I do really see the reality of the like, I don't want to be here energy and that seven of wands and I'm like, My gosh, what? What gets you from the seven of wands all the way up to the embers and the priestess? You know, it's like, those are really powerful. So I'm like, What? You know, is it personal growth work? Is there like some sort of thing that you can maybe only do where you are? Or if you do do it, it will sort of re-energize your life in a larger sense that that sort of makes staying where you are OK for now. Right? The cards for moving aren't terrible. They're just not. They're just not the person, the priestess first, the first and then it's going to be timing, right? This is the first card for moving is the Princess of Swords, and she's kind of reactionary. You know, she's she's she's fun for some things, but for like moving, she can be a little tricky because she's just like, I don't know, I just go, you know, and like, it'll be fine, you know, she's sort of like that energy. Then right after her comes the princess of death, and she's like, kind of been through it, but she's reached a place where she feels very serene and she's ready to like ground. So that's nice. And then you have the knight of Cups, which is like, very beautiful, like an offer, like an offering of love. So there is nice energy around moving, but it looks like the process is a little strange. Like maybe the process is a little hairy for some reason, whereas staying where you are? Can I can I just like ask nosy tarot card reader questions. Are you thinking of like having kids or anything like that?


Querent: No, we are not.


Michelle Tea: OK, OK, OK, you've got your fur babies right there. Do you have you have like the Empress and the Princess of Card? They're both about creating something. So I'm wondering if there's anything that you're imagining that like if you move to these other places you'll have access to or you'll be, it'll be easier for you to do certain things to create.


Querent: Absolutely.


Michelle Tea: OK. It looks like it looks like those that you might be able to actually create those things where you are. Forgive me if I'm talking out my butt because I don't even obviously we don't. I don't know what we're talking about. I'm just reading cards. It just looks like there's something very magical and beautiful for you if you hang around where you are for one more. Well, yeah, maybe it's just even a case of the timing changing.


Querent: OK, I'll take it.


Michelle Tea: OK. Do what you will. You're so welcome. Good luck to you wherever you end up. Oh, you guys, you know you can just tell you can hear it in a person's voice when you know that they wanted permission to move across the country from the terror and the terror denies them. And it's sad. It's sad for everyone, except for the tarot reader. It's sad for the current. But, you know, I just I just got to say what I see here, you know? All right, you guys listen to this message that came in to my DMs. I'm a lesbian still in love with my first girlfriend. Shocker, right? Without getting into all of the messy details, we have been on and off for two years and we always end things because we need to work on ourselves. Oh my God, that is so lesbian. But I have this nagging feeling that she's the one in the times we've been separated. I've dated other people but never felt the connection that I have with her. Every couple of months, little coincidences will line up and all of a sudden she reappears in my life. I'm having one of those moments right now where I feel like I should reach out, but I don't know if it's worth starting the cycle all over again. I guess my question is this will I ever move on and find someone else? Or could this really be it? How do I know if she's the one or if I need to give up? Oh my gosh, this is this is really tough. OK, OK, let's see. OK, I'm just going to basically, what is it look like if this lovelorn lesbian reaches out to this to this person again and starts the cycle again, maybe for a final time? Who wants to go through all these cycles again and again, right? What does it look like if you're like, listen, think you're the freaking one? And I think we should be together forever and like, let's just work on ourselves while we're in a relationship, you know? Cause that's like grad school working on yourself, you know what I mean? That's like graduate school working work. Quit working on yourself is the work that you do while you're actually in a relationship because it's like show time. You know, it's all happening in the relationship. All your buttons are pushed and the challenges are the rewards are right there. But maybe you are just sort of like romanticizing the past, which is not easy to do. So what does it look like if you're just like, Nah, I say no to this. You do a little cord cutting ritual because it definitely seems like you guys are accorded to each other. I don't know if you guys listening know about that, but you know it is a theory. It's a mystical theory that when we're very close to people, when we really love people, when we have sex with people, they called to us and we called to them, right? Which means that there's like some sort of energetic chord that happens around like our stomach chambers. I think like somewhere like on our astral body that connects us. And even when we break up with these people, the chords are still there. It's not just lovers, it's like family members and stuff too, like you recorded. So we thought that Chord or Joe or marry her flip in the cards now. Oh, wow, OK, OK, OK. Like you'd definitely. She's definitely this is the thing I was thinking, OK, this is not me speaking I. I have a hard time making such grandiose statements, but the tarot does not. And so the tarot says this girl is very much not the one. OK, she's not the one. I have to say I don't even I don't even know if the whole idea of the one is real. I don't have lots of ones, you know, like, what have you like, lived in an entirely different country and you never met each other. Like, I just don't believe that life is like that, right? Like, we have lots of different ones, but it can be hard to meet the next one if we're really hung up on the last one. So let me tell you what the tarot was saying here. Clearly, this person is like ruling your heart, OK, the centerpiece of like, should I? Should I text them is the emperor card. OK, so I'm reading that in two different ways that are maybe really opposite, but I feel like they kind of paradoxically work. The first read that I have on it is it like, Yeah, you know, the emperor is like the ruler was the person's ruling your heart right? They really are taking up a lot of space. They're dictating your movements, you know, like your emotional movements, maybe even your physical movements. So it's really, I think, showing that like, yes, this is a this is big now. It looks also like the first thing you have. The first card here is the change card that came up earlier, right? Two of desks and it's a change. So it's like, yes, you reaching out to her. It shifts everything, right? And then you then you're in the emperor, OK? And then you're like there with like, I mean, it was very passionate. It's Aries. It's like, we're just doing this like, you're back in the cycle and you are in another cycle of. This is a cycle that has some potential to to, you know, to cycle, but it's not necessarily going to take you to a good or bad place. You got the ace of disks, right? So there's a lot of potential there. That's clear, right? There is definitely something. It's not like you're crazy thought, like there was no connection there. There is a connection that this person is important to you. You could have another cycle with them. But I would say dark because for not reaching out to this person, for cutting this cord and moving on, you got the universe. That's a big deal card, OK? But you know, you know how I am you guys. When the universe comes up, I'm just like all hell we do. Whatever the universe card tells us to do, it's destiny. It's karma. It's like what is all supposed to be. It's what it's all supposed to be. So your your final card in this three card spread is for walking away. Is the universe your first card? This is a very interesting poll. Actually, the first card is the Queen of Swords. OK, so there's that widow here, widow and yourself, right? She's up on this. The top deck. She's up on a throne of clouds. She's got a sword in one hand, in a head. In another hand. She's like firing people. She's like, You're fired off at your head. So she's like, you know, she's just, she's getting rid of people. So. So that's real. So this is like a very real card of like, no, I'm cutting you out, cutting you out, OK? And you know, it's a mental card. It's like, I'm going to commit to pulling my mind away from you. But also putting that cord right. There is a read on this card that the that the head that the Queen is holding in her hand is actually a mask, and that what we're doing when we get this card or what we're being called to do is get rid of our masks. So, you know, it's also sort of like, in what way? OK? Like, in what way has holding on to this dream, then we are a comfort for you that you could kind of hide behind, you know, if that resonates. So, you know, if if it doesn't, one of my therapist know, but I just I just say, you know what? The cards are telling me to say. But you know, the idea of it being a mask and walking away from this can get you closer to the real you is interesting, right? It makes you think like what? You know, what is holding on to the past? How has it stunted you in ways that you maybe don't want to be stunted or don't need to be stunted? Your next card after her, though, is the chariot. OK, that is the hit the road jack card. Like, yes, you're moving on, you're moving away. And it's also cancer. Like you're moving towards like maybe a better intimacy and intimacy that's more suitable for you, you know, and that that might not have that romantic gleam that I think you've maybe built this other one up to be. But you know, you want we want real life ultimately, right? That's that's what we want. That's what the child wants for us anyway. Your final card, the universe. So yeah, it's very that is a very clear read to me. You can definitely have another cycle with this person, or you can just get a little bit ahead of yourself, cut the cord, move on. And, you know, I don't know, do whatever work, you know, unpack a little bit like why this person has had the hold on you that they have because I don't think it's because they are the one. I don't think it is. OK, all right. Now that I've pooped all over romance and soulmates, let's see who else can I help? Jasmine, it's you. You are a little muted. I cannot hear you. Jeez, I'm just OK.


Querent: Got it!


Michelle Tea: We're all learning this technology.


Querent: Thank you so much, Michelle. You're awesome. I love you. I love this program of you. Show your podcast everything.


Michelle Tea: Thank you for being a listener. How can I help you?


Querent: Yes. So my question is about my relationship with my husband. We have been married for 26 years. We started really early. But for for the last five years, he has been having problems with alcohol. He's functional, he works and everything, but he has to drink at work. So and that has caused a lot of stress in our relationship. Like he, he doesn't. He has lost a lot of motivation. I can't speak about it without getting OK, but OK. But he has lost a lot of motivation and interest, so we don't do anything and we're still young. But he hasn't. He he just he just works and come back. It's in bed watching TV, and that's it. And he has tried a lot of things and whatever. But OK, my question is because sometimes I think that if maybe I move and we take a break from their relationship and then maybe he stay by himself, he maybe may take some action or if they should keep supporting him on doing my own things, but I'm just afraid that their relationship is not going anywhere. So my question is, should I stay or should I go?


Michelle Tea: OK. OK, we're going to keep going that, so what does it look like for you to stay and see what happens? More will be revealed. And you know, I really have so much empathy for what you're going through. You know, I have had alcoholism in my family. I'm a sober alcoholic and I know that it's it's just really it's so devastating.


Querent: And it's hard. I know it's hard. It's an illness as high as it'll get out of it.


Michelle Tea: Yeah, it is. But it's just so I'm thinking three four for you staying in all three for just taking some space. You know, I really want you to talk a little bit about the idea, though. It's like, you know, take the space. If you take it for yourself. You know, there's I don't know if you're aware there's like a certain organization called Al-Anon, it's like, Yeah.


Querent: For people in our family.


Michelle Tea: And there's like a saying about the person who is drinking that like, you didn't create it. You can't cure it and you can't control it, right? So that idea, just to remember that you didn't create it, you can't cure it and you can't control it. So taking that space for yourself not to sort of like jolt your husband into doing anything, but let's see what else is this?


Querent: Because it just feels I just feel the energy it brings me just to see him doing anything. It drains me to be with him in that situation, even though I love him very much.


Michelle Tea: Of course you do. All right. So the cards, the three cars that are here for staying right, the first card, it's the sixth of this, which is called success. It is a beautiful card. OK. And I really feel like it's Moon and Taurus, right? And your moon is like your emotions and it's like your emotional security and moon and Taurus, especially like, you know, home is important. Relationships are important. And so I really feel like this is this is sort of like that part of your spirit that is just all about like, you know, love for your partner. And just like, I'm going to stay here, I'm going to make this work. I'm going to radiate my beautiful energy. I'm going to support. I'm going to be like a positive influence. It is a beautiful card. But then the next two cards are really hard. The next two cards, the first one is the five of of wands, which is called strife. And it's sort of just like the problem with the straight card is this sort of nothing you can do. There's so much energy, you have so much energy about a situation, but there's nothing you can actually do about it, and it's incredibly frustrating. It's it's saddening, Leo. And so it's this beautiful, exuberant Leo like, I'm going to do something great here. I'm going to inspire. I'm going to love. And Saturn comes in and says, Actually, there's limits to your inspiration and there's limits to your love and you're hitting them, you know, and it's it's real and it's hard. And then your final card in this is another five. So in the tarot system that I mostly work with, you know, six is our thumbs up and fives are really hard. You got the five of discs, which is where, right? So it's just this wary. It's like everything that you're saying, like he comes home, he gets in bed, he watches TV. I I watch all of this happening. I watch the energy draining away. That's the worry card. It's like looking around and seeing and feeling your stability, your home, your your environment. Just start shaking, right? Like with an earthquake, it's it's really a hard card. So, yeah, yeah, it looks like, you know, you can stay with a great attitude, but your attitude isn't enough to, like, make it work for you. I'm reading your cards, right? So I just want to, you know, and just be really clear that like, it's it's you know, would it be maybe great for your husband, for you to stick around? Probably. But for you, it doesn't look good now. If you leave, it looks like it almost looks. It looks good if you leave, OK, it looks complicated and it looks challenging. It looks hard. How could it be anything else, right? I mean, this is exactly a shitty situation. This is really hard.


Querent: Super hard. It's a very complex thing.


Michelle Tea: Yeah, yeah, the first card you have is the Princess of Swords. And so it's it's sort of like if and when you leave, I feel like she's just like, you're like, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. You know, it's like an explosion, you know, it's like, Oh, my God, like, she's, you know, and she came up a moment ago, right? And I was like, Oh, she's not good in this context. She's kind of good in this context. So she's good when we need that kick in the ass to do something. You know, when we when you know, we've tried the other ways, we've tried the calmer ways, the the smaller ways, the nicer ways, and they don't work. So the story of the Princess of Swords in the top deck is like she's destroying a temple, and it's like the temple was corrupt. The temple actually needed to go. It needed to be destroyed. Was there another way to do it? Maybe. But that wasn't the way that worked for her. She had. To do it this way, so it's like, you know. Yeah, sure, maybe you could go to couples counseling or try to impose all these other things, but like it doesn't seem like that's necessarily it seems like something drastic is what's called for because on the other side of the Princess of Swords, then you have the emperor, which is awesome. So that's you in control of your destiny. Is you in control of your life? You're like, OK, it's true. I can't control you or what you do, but I can control what I do with my energy, and I think it's going to return a lot of power to you to take some space, to have you reconnect with yourself, you know, and to get some clarity. The emperor is a great card and it's, you know, it's Aries, and I really honor Aries in the zodiac as like, you know, the sign in so many ways of self-care. The card of self-interest. It's a sign, a sign of self-interest. And it gets a bad rap for that. But I think there's often, yeah, I think it comes up a lot in readings. Aries cards come up when we need to put ourself first. So I think that that's what it is. And honestly, you know, looking at just to put another read on it, you know, looking at your husband as the emperor archetype, you know, you know, it also makes him have to stand on his own two feet.


Querent: You know, that's the reason why I'm wondering about that, too. Yeah, the space is just to leave him by himself and maybe with me, the two of us, it's just crazy. I don't know.


Michelle Tea: Yeah. I mean, if you would have to maybe sit in the consequences right of this behavior, which is just like, important. You know, it just is. Your final card is the hermit. So, you know, is this going to be challenging? Are you going to feel a little lonely? Like, is it going to feel a little bit sometimes like, Wow, I'm like over here now. That's weird. Like, yeah, it might. I mean, the hermit card comes up in my experience a lot during separations, whether they're permanent or temporary. The hermit card comes up. And so, yeah, it's neat, but it's a powerful card. You know, it is. You know, it's it is about purity in the sense where it's like getting deep, getting back in touch with what you really want, you know, because we make compromises all the time in our lives, we have to. It's part of just being alive. We have all the time. Yeah, yeah, we compromised for each other. Often it's OK, but sometimes it's not. And sometimes we don't realize that we've gotten ourselves into compromising situations until we pull away and go, Oh shit, how did that happen? So it could be a little bit of that experience with the hermit. And you know, that can be that can sometimes be a little scary, a little lonely. So make sure if you do choose to separate that you get support somehow, whether it's from friends, family, Al-Anon, I don't know anywhere a stranger on the street, just like get get some, make sure there's somebody there for you so that you're not isolating.


Querent: Yeah. Oh my god. Thank you, Michelle. Thank you very much.


Michelle Tea: You're so welcome. I wish you so much love and strength and clarity. You're in a really hard, in a very hard situation, and I think every parent listening is feeling for you.


Querent: Oh, thank you. Thank you.


Michelle Tea: You're welcome. Have a good evening.


Querent: Thank you. Bye bye.


Michelle Tea: Wow, man, that's hard. It's really, really hard. You know, should I stay or should I go? Is always hard. But when you're being driven out because there's addiction in the mix, so, so hard, so hard to figure out what the right thing to do is. Okay, let me see what. What is my next question that I have in here? For those of you who have joined a little more recently, you're listening to ask the Tarot. I'm Michelle Tea, curator, author of modern tarot host of the You Magic podcast. And here every Wednesday night doing this Six O'Clock Pacific, 9:00 Eastern and all of our back episodes are on Spotify. Just search your magic and they will come up alongside the podcast. All right, here is. I think this is funny. It's not funny. It's just not a gay love question. A straight love question got mixed up in the gay love question. So actually, I just ran out of the gay love questions. There weren't that many of them. So now we've just moved on to the love questions of all people. Here we go. This past year, I've been on a self-love journey. Good for you. I started setting boundaries with various people in my life. This caused me to break my long distance boyfriend about five months ago. I think breakup, I don't think, I don't think they actually broken, but who knows? He had just moved across the country for me and was being very pushy about marriage was not the kind of thing I'd be pushing, but something didn't feel right and I wanted to date him in person for a few months before committing. Yeah, that everybody please listen to this person. Don't, don't agree to marry somebody that you've never met in person. I don't care how deep your phone calls her. Okay? This was the first time we were in the same city together. This caused huge friction between us and resulted in him to break things off. We had been together for two years. We had missing him more than usual. I've been trying to date around but can't seem to set my heart on anyone. I just wanted to ask if I did the right thing to let go of my ex. What does the future hold for me in terms of relationships? Oh my god, I don't even want to like I know. Oh my God. Jasmine, I see your red flags as like all these red flags emojis. Very funny. These are big, big, big red flags like, you know, talk about consent. I mean, do you want an enthusiastic yes for marriage? If somebody like, I'm not sure why you want to push that, you're like, OK, well, you know, please don't marry me if you're not feeling sure. My gosh. So, yeah, good job following your intuition and knowing that you needed to date him in person. Oh my gosh, you see, I'm chuckling. I mean, it makes sense that you're missing him. He took up space in your life, you know? And like, not only did you no doubt truly enjoy your exchanges, but you know, when we have those these romances going on, we get to project so much, you know, fantasy and romance put upon them. And that's gone now too, right? And that's that's a lack that is a little bit of a loss. So it makes sense you're missing him. But that doesn't mean that doesn't mean he's like a guy. Let's see what the chairman has to say. OK, what was the energy between you guys with the vibe here, actually? Yeah. What was the vibe around letting go? Moving on, can we see what that looks like? That's what we want to see. What is the energy around this breakup look like? You know, I feel like when we're on these like journeys and learning about boundaries and all this stuff, I feel like the universe. It's like a workout. The universe is like, Oh, you graduated here? Let me throw this kettlebell of a red flag date at you to see if you're really doing it with your boundaries and like, Yeah, you are going to pick some cards here and see what the what the, you know, your near future. I'd say, like, you know, into the spring, what does that look like in terms of relationships right now? You know, I I don't know. I'm still like kind of against long distance relationships, even though obviously they work out wonderfully for some people. But it's just so it can be really scary because you really don't know the person. Everyone's on their best behavior for a student to like, really get into it with people in real life, right? Wow. Wow, wow. Oh my God, what was the energy of you dissing this person? You guys are going to freak out because I'm freaking out, OK? The very first card that came up is the tower, OK? And then the second card is the universe. Oh my gosh. And then it suggests new beginning. Wow. Yeah. Way to follow your intuition. Way to like, you know, call out a red flag when you see a red flag. I mean, the tower card is saying, I mean the tower, followed by the universe for four and doing something that felt shady. Yeah, I think you dodged a really big bullet, actually, you know, and there's also, you know, I was I was thinking how recently right here on the show, the tarot card came up and somebody had pointed out that it's also about transformation, which it definitely is. And I can see that really in this way, too, where like you are, you know, on a healing journey, right? And you're dealing with boundaries and like, that's really transformative stuff. And it probably was kind of hard and scary to have to say now, you know, and the tower rules, that is what. Especially this drawing of the Tower of the Tower. I love it, it's the eyes opening in the sky and the towers collapsing. So it's this like, you know, visual metaphor for seeing something clearly and having to make a hard change, right? Having to kind of call it off, having to destroy it. But the universe? Oh my God, you did the right thing, and it was in some way your destiny to do it. I mean, I was kind of joking when I was like, The universe throws you, you know, some like some weights, you know, like as you're working out your boundaries, it's like throwing you some challenges. It really did. And then they sort of just, you're on your new path away from the person. Now what does your romantic life look like? It looks a little hard. I'm not going to lie. And I mean, this is this does not mean you get to run back to this person. This has nothing to do with this other person, right? We all go through romantic dry spells. Sometimes I mean, sometimes it is just life. You know, sometimes it's because we get to work some shit out. Who knows what it is? Here's the cards. You have the middle cards. I actually really like this. The card in the center that you have for your romantic sphere through the spring is the four of swords, which is called truce. OK. So I really like that being in the middle because I feel like even though the the Pickens might be slim or things might not work out the way you'd like them to, you're going to ultimately be in kind of a state of peace about it. Like you're not like super thirsty needing things to, you know, needing things to work out, but you know, you're going to feel it. You got the strike part. You know, the five lines and you've got the disappointment card, the five of cups. So you know, this could be so many things this could be, you know, just continuing to feel the the letdown that that person didn't work out or weren't exactly who you thought they were. You know, it could be that you're still processing that, and that's why it's not a great time for you to jump into something new. It could be that you go on some dates and you're disappointed you now or, you know, do you want to go on a date and can't find it? You want to go on a date with whatever it is. These are minor cards. Write Minor Arcana and therefore just try to keep sort of a flexible, clear, open mind about it all. That truce card just being like this is how it is right now. It's not going to be like this forever. It's just like this right now, and I feel like that will help you get through it. I'm sorry that the future romance cards aren't a little bit brighter. You surely have the hearts of everyone listening who is no doubt reflecting on their own, you know, moments of romantic bummers, which we all have, right? But but you know, there'll be more for you in the future. OK. All right now I'm picking one of you guys. Here I come. Who's next in line? Angel, you are up, angel. I'll give you a second to. You should have a little new icon near your picture.


Querent: OK. Did that work?


Michelle Tea: Yes, I can hear you.


Querent: OK, perfect. So my big question is is that I have a huge job interview coming up on the 10th of December. And it's for my dream job. I've been preparing for it for so long. I feel very confident about it. I'm obviously super nervous. I just I just want to know what the cards say about that.


Michelle Tea: OK. You're very brave. I don't always get what you get while I'm talking angels, but I can hear myself going a little bit. Thank you so much. You're very brave. I am always a little hesitant when I know that there is, you know. You mean you're not going to opt out of the job interview if you get bad cards. So what that means is that if you get hard cards, you will walk into the job interview knowing that there might be something rough to be. You know what to expect. You still want me to pull them?


Querent: Yes, I do.


Michelle Tea: OK, OK, cool. I always want to check once I had my whole cards for me for this project and I got terrible cards. And as it happened, the project didn't move forward and I spent the rest of the time working on it, kind of knowing that it wasn't moving forward. It created a strange, dark cloud. But let's see. OK, this was your dream job. You were so prepared. I can imagine how prepared you are because I'm just looking at your picture and like, you've got this scar is a beautiful pink scarf, just like jauntily tied around your neck. And I'm just like, I feel like you would be so, so formidable to have, like walk into an office. Let's see what the cards have to say. Oh yeah, this actually, this is your dream job. This looks really good. You let me just say the first, first and foremost, the centerpiece card is the Sun. So you are going to shock me. You're going to be great. That, you know, the Sun is a magnetic card, it's about like manifesting, it's a really, really it's a really, really good card now on either side of it. It's a little it's a little funny. So the first card you have actually is the hermit. So I actually like this for a job interview card like this because it's Virgo. And let's face it, like who's more prepared walking into a job interview than like a Virgo, right? So, you know, listen to the hermit, you know, get a good night's sleep the night before. No, you know, like, get your get, just get all your whatever you need to organize, get it organized. What you're going to say, were you going to wear like, you know, if you have to present anything like, really do self do really good self-care, Virgos are the queens of self-care. So it's really great like jungle out the night before. Meditate, manifest. Do stuff like that. You're on the other side is the queen of Cuts, which is really interesting. Now the queen of Cups is really emotional. So what I'm seeing from this card, her coming up is just what this means to you. This is really I feel like she's here to signify that this is so important to you. And it is so important to you that when you leave, I wouldn't be surprised if when you leave the interview, you're like, What was that? Was I amazing? Or did I suck? Like, you might not understand like how what happened and it might take them a minute to get back to you. So, you know, if that's the case, you know, try not to trip out. Try not to. Worst case scenario is anything that Sun card in the middle is really telling me that like, this job is yours, and these other two cards on either side are just sort of offering advice, you know how to prepare and make sure you're prepared. And, you know, if you feel a little emotional and I'm confused afterwards, it's it's OK. Does that make sense?


Querent: Yes, it does. I feel like I'm super prepared too, because I'll just tell you so. It's a flight attendant position with my dream airline, but I've been a flight attendant with a regional airline for the last four years. So I feel super confident. I feel super prepared. I know a lot about the airline and stuff like that, so I'm really, really excited. But again, of course, I'm nervous, but I do. I love what I'm hearing. It just makes me feel even more confident.


Michelle Tea: Good. You should. You're just totally going to shine? And I love the Sun for a flight attendant job. It's like, you know, it's up there in the sky, like lighting the skies right. And it's also it's Leo. And like, there's just an aspect, it seems to me from the outside of being a flight attendant, that's a little performative like you have to be on in this way that it feels like, you know, it feels like a Leo, like it's a job that would fall under, like being ruled by Leo. And I do want to say I just cut the deck to look at another card for you, as I do sometimes. And you got work. You got you have got the job card, you got Mars in Capricorn. So yeah this was great for you. Enjoy it. Enjoy the process, if you can.


Querent: OK, well, thank you so much. I appreciate that that just made me feel so much more validated and so much more comforted. And I'm so looking forward to this interview. So thank you.


Michelle Tea: And you're so welcome. Good luck. We're all rooting for you. Oh, that's so awesome. OK. Oh my gosh, you guys, it's six fifty nine. And we're like, almost done. Let me see. I'm going to pick one more person from the rooms. Jasmine, it's you. What a trade. OK.


Querent: I'm here. OK. You caught me off guard. I was going to chat for a second.


Michelle Tea: Well, can I help you with today?


Querent: I'm going to make it quick. I don't know how quick I can make it, but I will. So it's just a friendship question. I've just been trying to search for more friends because I'm just always looking for new people to talk about new things.


Michelle Tea: Yeah.


Querent: So I guess my question would be, is 2022 the year of friendship for me?


Michelle Tea: Oh, I love that. OK, what is the friendship sphere look like in twenty twenty two, specifically new friends, fresh energy? What do we got there? It looks like a mixed bag. OK? But here's the thing I think that you're going to be going after new friends. I think you're going to be very proactive. And the reason for that, I say that is you have the ace of Swords and the Aces. You know, all the uses are new beginnings, a new cycle starting a new cycle, manifesting in a cycle, saying I want a new cycle and bringing it in, you know, and swords really rule friendships a lot. I mean, cups do also, but especially newer friendships. I feel like our swords, right? Because it's about communication. This is what I'm about. Are you about that too, like exchanging information and building towards the cops, right? So you're going to do that. Now, back to the whole like you get to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prints. The same goes, maybe for friendships. As well, you have the nine of swords, which shows me that there's going to be some mismatches or a mismatch, OK, like the nine of swords, it's, you know, it's a it's a no, you know, but then right after that you have the eight of one's, which is a big yes. So the way what I'm seeing about this is that like I remember when I like, start after a long relationship and I started dating again, which is different but similar, and that you're trying to make connections with people and like one of my my gay boyfriends was like, You just have to be ready to be rejected because the more people you kind of like, put yourself out there for the higher percentage of rejections you get or mismatches, you know, people who are your match. So this is what I would say. I would say, like, really? Go go for it. Like, really look at places where you can put yourself out there, like reach out to people and know that they're not all going to be a match, but know that some of them are going to be because that eight of one's sweetness card, that is a wonderful card for friendship. It's like when something does happen, it's really going to take off, like when a connection is made, you're going to feel it. This is a car that's electrical. It's about electricity. There's a rainbow, it's mercury and Sagittarius, which is, you know, mercury again is communication. And SAG is like, you know, it's the arrow. It's like, really, it's like putting yourself out there, like Savage is very much like, you know, the life of the party and, you know, unafraid to kind of like, walk up to somebody and say, hello. I do want to ask you, do you have if I may ask you, do you have like any kind of social anxiety? 


Querent: Yes.  It came from my high school. And then I guess when I worked in the mall, it got extremely worse. A bunch of bodies and it was just hard. Yeah, I will say I am comfortable in my own light world. If that makes sense, like I can go to a club and dance by myself and feel happy like I don't belong there being by myself.


Michelle Tea: That's great. That's it's that's always such a blessing to feel like that to be your own best company. Well, you know, something. I mean, the nine of swords it's called in the talk that calls it cruelty, but I've been recently calling it anxiety because I feel like that's really what this card is. You know, in the Rider-Waite, it's the person sitting up with the nightmare. And I just think that you might be pushing your comfort level a little bit, you know? And so don't be surprised if while you're, you know, putting yourself out there and you're doing these like proactive things to make friends. You know, and it was just such a vulnerable thing to do. You really are putting yourself in a vulnerable position, and that might trigger some anxiety. But, you know, do what you can to get support around that. I would say just because you're feeling the anxiety doesn't mean you're doing the wrong thing to do. You know, I think there are exciting friendships out there for you this year with that sweetness card. I really do. But you might have to step over some anxiety to get to them.


Querent: Yeah, I definitely agree because I kind of became desperate and sort like downloading like Bumble to search for best friend like in. But I don't think I have the patience to, like, wait for a connection through text messages versus just going out there and seeing what the universe throws at me for a friend.


Michelle Tea: Yeah, I love that. Cover all your bases. Definitely, you know, go in the real world. I love people finding friends on on apps. My like my fiance and his best friend that spoke to Cute. So, yeah, there's definitely friends out there for you this year.


Querent: Thank you.


Michelle Tea: Welcome. And thanks for being such an amazing community member all the way.


Querent: Thank you.


Michelle Tea: You're welcome. Have a great night. You, too. All right, you guys. Now, listen, if you're wondering how to ask me a question without having to actually talk to me or speak in front of everybody, I get it. If you feel shy or vulnerable, you can send me a question on Instagram. OK? My Instagram is @michelleteaz T-E-A-Z. Just send it to me and I'll put it my pile. I'll get to it as soon as I can, and this is how I do it every week. I do have questions that come into me, come to me from Instagram and half have you guys live in the room? Thanks, everybody for tuning in and listening. Thanks to you all that are streaming. I know there's a lot of you guys out there streaming. Thanks for everyone who's here in the room participating in the chat. I love you guys for doing that. And I'll see you next Thursday. Have a great. Have I been saying Wednesday all this time that I'm going to? I'm here on Wednesdays because I'm not. I am an Aquarius and I'm also here on Thursdays. OK, so I will see you guys next week. How about Happy New Year! Goodbye 2021. Hello. Twenty twenty two. It's almost an angel number, right? It says Wednesday in my bio. Gosh, Connor thinks you know it used to be Wednesday, and I guess I didn't change that. Thanks a lot. OK. Happy New Year, everybody. See you next Thursday.



Michelle Tea: Hello, friends. Remember to catch Ask the Terror Live every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on Spotify Green Room. You can join me for a journey through the cycles of life, love and aspiration in real time. Just download the Spotify Green Room app, sign up for free or use your Spotify login to join the conversation. Then you'll be able to hear live readings. Meet super interesting people and even ask the tarot questions of your own. Download Spotify Green Room for free today and join Ask the Tarot Live every Thursday.
